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Can't start kde with newer kernels

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    Can't start kde with newer kernels

    I've been a happy Linux user for I don't remember how many years and haven't yet run into a problem that research in various forums hasn't solved, but I can't seem to figure this one out so this is my first post.

    Since I upgraded to Kubuntu 9.10, I have the login screen loop problem that I am seeing a lot of posts about. I'm able to run with kernel 2.6.28-15 but every time I get a new kernel, I can boot to the login screen, the KDE splash screen comes up and up to 4 icons appear, but then I loop back to the login screen and can't go any further. I've tried all the suggestions I could find on this topic (reinstalling the graphics driver, reinstalling KDE, etc.) all to no avail.

    I considered doing a fresh install (I had upgraded from 9,04), burned the 64 bit iso (after md5check etc.). When I boot with the 64 bit Cd I end up with a list of udev errors at an intramfs prompt. Tried the 32 bit iso but I get a similar looping problem. It'll try to load the desktop, black screen, then try to load the desktop again. So I can't do a fresh install.

    One thing I've noticed that's new with 9.10 when I boot with the 2.6..28-15 kernel, while the Kubuntu splash screen is up, I get a series of messages about waiting for /dev by uuid=, then there is always at least one fs check before it goes to the login. Don't know if this is related.

    I have a via k8m800 Mb, 1.6 gig amd processor, using the on-board graphics card with the open chrome driver. Went with via as they are supposed to be open to working with the open source community.

    I'm not sure what info I need to supply to get some help with this issue. Please let me know.

    BTW you guys are great. Have always found your suggestions helpful. Thanks

    Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels

    Something is definitely crashing KDE, but I'm not sure what -- sometimes, an old configuration in KDE's config files can cause those kinds of issues. One of my friends had a similar issue, and I'm trying to remember how we resolved it.

    See if you have a log file named $HOME/.xsession-errors, and if you do, see if it contains any errors regarding kdeinit4.
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels

      Thanks for the reply integr8e.

      Here are the relevant bits to the xsession file:

      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'idle-hint' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'is-local' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'x11-display-device' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'x11-display' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'display-device' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'remote-host-name' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'session-type' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      Invalid D-BUS member name 'unix-user' found in interface 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session' while parsing introspection
      X Error: XSyncBadAlarm 152
      Extension: 143 (Uknown extension)
      Minor opcode: 11 (Unknown request)
      Resource id: 0x0
      X Error: XSyncBadAlarm 152
      Extension: 143 (Uknown extension)
      Minor opcode: 11 (Unknown request)
      Resource id: 0x0
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/bin/knotify4
      QDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""
      QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/Timspwd.pwm.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/tim.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/user-dirs.dirs.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/notes.ics.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/karm.ics.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/contactlist.xml.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/std.ics.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/stdrc.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/1251564327.6401.5NWvt:2,S.desktop not found
      findServiceByDesktopPath: /home/tim/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments/1251576021.6401.7YYr9:2,S.desktop not found
      Object::connect: No such signal SystemTray::Manager::jobStateChanged(SystemTray::J ob*)
      Invalid D-BUS interface name 'org.kde.plasma-desktop.PlasmaApp' found while parsing introspection
      deinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/
      <unknown program name>(2440)/ kdemain: Xlib XKB extension major= 1 minor= 0
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/
      Nepomuk server already running.
      findServiceByDesktopPath: not found
      (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:2466): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type `_PolkitError'

      (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:2466): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed
      Unable to connect to bluez.
      QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to InterfaceConnectionItem "", which already has a layout
      Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
      DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket
      DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket
      kbuildsycoca running...
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
      Major opcode: 20
      Minor opcode: 0
      Resource id: 0x360001c
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
      Major opcode: 20
      Minor opcode: 0
      Resource id: 0x360025b
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
      Major opcode: 20
      Minor opcode: 0
      Resource id: 0x3600216
      QLayout "unnamed" added to QWidget "unnamed", which already has a layout
      X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
      Major opcode: 20
      Minor opcode: 0
      Resource id: 0x3600451
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/kde4/
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/bin/firefox
      *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: NPP_Destroy() invoke: No child processes

      (npviewer.bin:3114): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
      *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** ERROR: NPP_Destroy() invoke: No child processes
      *** NSPlugin Wrapper *** WARNING/build/buildd/nspluginwrapper-1.2.2/src/npw-wrapper.c:1854):invoke_NPP_Destroy: assertion failed: (rpc_method_invoke_possible(plugin->connection))
      QClipboard::setData: Cannot set X11 selection owner for PRIMARY
      Xlib: extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".
      X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10
      Major opcode: 2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes)
      Resource id: 0x120001e
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/bin/firefox

      (firefox:3241): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times
      LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /home/tim/.mozilla/plugins/ [/home/tim/.mozilla/plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32]
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/kde4/
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Invalid iterator."
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Invalid iterator."
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Invalid iterator."
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/kde4/
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/kde4/

      ###Many repeats of the above###

      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Invalid iterator."
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid model"
      "/usr/bin/dolphin(3302)" Error in thread 140639249409872 : "Invalid iterator."

      ###Then pages of messages nearly identical to the above###

      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/kde4/
      kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/

      The whole file was some 2.6 Mb. Most of it was repeating dolphin errors and alsa errors, but I don't have alsa installed. ... is where I took out lines that called out things that loaded successfully. Hope you can help me decipher this.

      Merry Christmas and thanks for the help


        Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels

        Originally posted by Maldon
        Merry Christmas and thanks for the help
        Thanks, and you too!

        I don't see anything that appears to be a crash, try starting the X-server from the command line and see if that produces anything useful:
        $ sudo -s
        # /etc/init.d/kdm stop
        # exit
        $ startx
        EDIT: 12/24/2009
        ... if that doesn't work, this may:
        startkde 1> kdee.txt 2> kder.txt

        That will log the standard output to kdee.txt and the error to kder.txt.
        Asus G1S-X3:
        Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


          Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels

          I think maybe no errors as I booted up using 2.6.28-15.
          I'm going to restart with my newer kernel and try your suggestions if I can get to the command line.
          Might take a bit.


            Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels


            Booted with the 2.6.31-16 kernel. Went to console:
            startx brought up the kde splash which lit up 2 icons, partially lit 2 more, then froze solid.

            Rebooted the same kernel. startkde 1>(etc.) didn't seem to do any thing but I got the following in kdee.txt

            $DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server.
            Nothing in kder.txt

            Copied the new xsessions file so i could find it when I rebooted with a working kernel. After much of the same messages as above, I noticed the following at the end of the file:

            kdeinit4: Fatal IO error: client killed
            kdeinit4: sending SIGHUP to children.
            kglobalaccel: Fatal IO error: client killed
            Qt-subapplication: Fatal IO error: client killed
            kdeinit4: sending SIGTERM to children.
            kdeinit4: Exit.
            kwin: Fatal IO error: client killed
            GOT SIGHUP
            klauncher: Exiting on signal 15
            klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
            kdeinit4: Fatal IO error: client killed
            kdeinit4: sending SIGHUP to children.
            kded4: Fatal IO error: client killed
            Could not connect to D-Bus server: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-UuUavfatiY: Connection refused
            startkde: Shutting down...
            kdeinit4_wrapper: Warning: connect(/home/tim/.kde/socket-Opus/kdeinit4__0) failed: : No such file or directory
            Error: Can not contact kdeinit4!
            startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
            xprop: unable to open display ':0'
            xprop: unable to open display ':0'
            startkde: Done.
            kdeinit4: sending SIGTERM to children.
            kdeinit4: Exit.
            Does any of that help?


              Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels

              Have to log off till after the eggnog.
              will check back on Sat.


                Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels

                Sounds good -- I'm patient

                Anyway, I found several possible fixes in the following links:

                They range from upgrading KDE, to adding "NoAccel" "true" to your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file, to renaming your $HOME/.kde file, to (referencing a link I didn't add) saying essentially, "tough luck, it's your video driver -- use another." I've had success in the past by simply renaming my $HOME/.kde file.

                First, make sure you're running the latest version of KDE (4.3.4), and if you are and cannot log in, try renaming your $HOME/.kde file to something like $HOME/.kde.bak and log back in -- KDE will create a new file with the default settings and attempt to use it. If that fails, add Option "NoAccel" "true" to your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file under the "Device" section and restart KDM:
                $ sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart
                If none of those work, try switching to the Vesa driver and see if that works; if it does, the problem is likely your video driver, and unless you're happy running Vesa, I would suggest sticking with an older kernel until the issue with your video driver is resolved.
                Asus G1S-X3:
                Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


                  Re: Can't start kde with newer kernels solved

                  Took a while to get back to this. Sorry

                  Set Driver "vesa" in xorg.conf and can boot fine with the newer kernels.

                  Also tried doing a fresh ubuntu install on a spare partition I had lying around and had no problems booting with the same kernel and the openchrome driver.

                  I have to conclude this is a problem with the way kde and openchrome work together. This seems to have been reported elsewhere. Will wait for a fix down the road.

                  Meanwhile I'm going to try running gnome for a while. Been meaning to check it out again for some time anyway so this is an opportunity.

                  Thanks for all the suggestions and research integr8e!

