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Cannot get to Kubuntu desktop anymore

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    Re: Cannot get to Kubuntu desktop anymore

    Originally posted by toad
    And as for reinstalling - don't worry about it. We have all done it about a million times and each time you learn a little more.
    thats the truth..., you learn a lot from breaking your computer, my problem was/is that i am how do you say a bit to hands on. and like to just dive in and mess w/ the software, but then again i used to have to reinstall a LOT. cause of small things like xorg problems, gurb issues(and there were all my fault,btw),and many other problems.

    Originally posted by [quote=MAOexWimdows
    but yesterday it presented me with the login screen when it never has before. But when I put in my password after a few seconds it just went back to the same screen and wouldn't go any further.
    how much free space do you have ? check by running df -h
    make sure your drive mounted as / has free space....
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
    (top of thread: thread tools)


      Re: Cannot get to Kubuntu desktop anymore

      MAOexWimdows, I had the same login problem that you did. At the login screen, I would type in my password and it would not accept it. This occurred after I left my computer for about a month and one half and then tried to login again. (I use Kubuntu 9.10 64bit on a desktop I built.)

      I discovered that the login screen would not accept a password longer than 8 characters. I had previously set my password to 12 characters and it worked for quite a while. But when I tried to log in after the months absence, it would not take my longer password. (I think it is possible that I downloaded an update just before I signed off before my month"s absence, thus the change.)

      I used the following to reset the password to exactly eight characters and I have not had any problems logging in since.

      To reset the password: Hold down the shift key while booting to get a choice of "Recovery console" and select it. A new prompt will show on the upper left of your window. At this prompt type "passwd yourusername" (without the quite marks and using your own user name in place of yourusername) and hit the enter key, it should now prompt you to type in a new password (make a password that is only eight characters long) and hit the enter key. It will probably ask you to confirm it so type the new 8 character password again and hit enter. After this, you will have a new prompt at which you should type "exit" (again without the quote marks) and hit enter again.

      At this point, the boot should continue but, if not, reboot and when it comes to the login screen, type in the eight character password and you should login in normally.

      Good luck, it worked for me.

