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kubuntu netbook with kde 4.4

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    kubuntu netbook with kde 4.4

    Hello y'all,
    Im not sure if this is the right place to put this message! Im more wondering than having a problem! I have googled it and cant find anything as such! I was just wondering if when kde4.4 comes out will the netbook edition of 9.10 become a much more stable and polished version if we install kde4.4, as I believe it is just using a snapshot of what will be finished when 4.4 come out! My girlfriend has a netbook and when we were installing it (it came with windoze) We tried the kubuntu netbook edition, and to be honest (it was still in beta version of 9.10) but it was a bit shakey to be honest, as as she was going over seas we decided to install the ubuntu netbook remix, but I just dont like gnome, I find it be to clunky and I am much more used to kde!!! So i was just wondering if after 4.4 comes out will it become usable!?! Or do we really have to wait till next april to get a usable netbook version from kubuntu?
    thanx guys

    Re: kubuntu netbook with kde 4.4

    You can install it now. Its stable since the base is KDE. The only difference is the user interface.


      Re: kubuntu netbook with kde 4.4

      but what Im asking is, have they ironed out the problems? Is it really useable? If it was my netbook I would install it and deal with the problems, but as its my girlfriend she wants something that works and doesnt do wierd **** that takes hours to figure out how to fix it!?!? Like for instance when I was trying the live disk it would be fine up until apoint where suddenly the mouse wouldnt click it would just hold on to every object it touched and drag it around the screen!!! fairly annoying and the ponly way to stop it was to re-start!


        Re: kubuntu netbook with kde 4.4

        There are different netbooks. I use for my Acer Aspire One D-150 standard Kubuntu installation, it is fast enough even with desktop effects and sure more stable than some remix. Actually I have no issues with it.
        Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


          Re: kubuntu netbook with kde 4.4

          My GF has a HP-mini (Vivienne Tam) and I tried both the regular Kubuntu 9.10 and the Kubuntu Netbook remix on it.
          I've left the remix on because we prefer the interface including the desktop effects and it seems quit fast.

          So far we've not seen any show stoppers, when it does lock up she knows how to restart and that's with the present journalling file systems not half as bad as it used to be.
          Because it has a separate home partition it's also very easy and fast to do a re install in case things go belly up.

