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[Solved] Install problem from Karmic CD

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    [Solved] Install problem from Karmic CD

    My OS on two computers is Kubuntu. On my home computer I didn't wait for the CD and upgraded from 9.04. Everything went smoothly. On my work computer I waited for the disk from shipit. When It arrived I decided to do an install after formatting all my Kubuntu partitions (after backup, of course). That's when my problems started. At some stage, the installation failed. After several attempts I checked the disk using the check disk command that appears when booting. I was informed that there was 1 incorrect file on the disk.
    I then tried to download and burn my own disk. I made many attempts to get a good copy burned. I ALWAYS get the same result. I cannot install from the CD and when doing a check, there is 1 incorrect file on the disk. By always I mean that I have tried several download sites, burned the cd on different computers with different burn programs at different speeds. Most of the other computers were windows which is what I have access to at work, but I did use K3B as well.
    The bottom line is that I re-installed 9.04 and upgraded. I certainly would like Karmic Kubuntu disk that works. Any Ideas?

    Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

    Tonight I will install 9.10 on my sisters pc, hopefully I won't be having these problems. The shipit cd runs perfectly as a livecd for the past week. I will report back when I have installed kubuntu.

    As you have noticed there is a flaw in the cd, either by faulty packaging or by a failing cd drive. Did you perform the check on different machines or only on the machine you want to install to?


      Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

      I applied the check on different machines. By the way the liveCD worked on both machines. I tried installing from boot and from the icon the liveCD shows when running. Neither way worked. Good luck for your attempt.


        Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

        since your running jaunty you could try a distro upgrade, to upgrade you to karmic , see link below
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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          Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

          As I said above, that's what I did. I would still like a Karmic CD that is ok. Maybe I should order another copy from shipit.


            Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

            I have had no problems at all installing from the shipit cd. Looks like you do suffer from a bad copy or several defective optical drives. Since the last part is not likely I would suggest to try a new cd.


              Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

              @errol if your in the us i will burn you a cd (or dvd) check it and them mail it to you if you would like just pm me the details.
              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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                Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

                Originally posted by sithlord48
                @errol if your in the us i will burn you a cd (or dvd) check it and them mail it to you if you would like just pm me the details.
                AAA anuther one of the reasons this is the best linux (Kubuntu) place on the net.

                we have the best comunity thare is

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                  Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

                  Thanks sithlord48 for your offer but I don't live in the US (Israel). Your kind offer makes Vinney's comment more than true!!
                  I had one more attempt to burn a CD. This time I purchased a new CD i.e. not from the batch I had been trying up till now. The burning AND verification went ok, but when running the check-disk from Kubuntu I still get the "1 file error". I didn't want to try a fresh install under those circumstances as I am now running Karmic and all is well.
                  I tried this particular burned disk on another computer and was informed that there are no errors. mmmm... What can be wrong on my computer that warrants this notice? Looks like the problem may be with my computer although with the other cd's the "1 file error" was on other computers as well.


                    Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

                    Did you verify the checksum of the downloaded iso?


                      Re: Install problem from Karmic CD


                      Would this explain the different results on two different computers? I'm trying to understand what could be wrong with my computer to get a file error when another computer doesn't get that error.


                        Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

                        oh , yea idk about shipping half across the globe .
                        you should always compare the md5 checksum when you download an iso (and yes it might explain the odd behavior). if the check sum of the iso you downloaded matches the checksum of the iso they give you the download was a success if that burnt disk also passes the on disk "check for defects" then your disk was also burnt correctly. some people say 4x is best (i know it is for some things) but i almost always burn my disk @ 16x(DVD-R, i almost never have blank cd's) and have not had any issues.
                        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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                          Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

                          Thanks for the info sithlord48. I'll do this after the weekend and report back.


                            Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

                            the ezest way to do a check sum (with (*)buntu or other linux is

                            check the iso's md5 usually on the download page find and save it to a text file
                            for this example i have a debian ppc install disk i burnt last night
                            Originally posted by md5sums
                            a01081baa62207e917061959a349c80d debian-503-powerpc-CD-1.iso
                            after your download finishes check the md5 of the file
                            [code=md5check]chris@void:~$ md5sum debian-503-powerpc-CD-1.iso
                            a01081baa62207e917061959a349c80d debian-503-powerpc-CD-1.iso [/code]if they match that is a good thing burn the cd,
                            the slower the better, i have been having issues so i burnt this disk @ 8x on to a cd-r

                            after the cd is done check the md5 of the cd by putting it in your cd drive and then running
                            [code=run in konsole]chris@void:~$ dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 | head -c 693188608 | md5sum
                            331962+0 records in
                            331962+0 records out
                            679858176 bytes (680 MB) copied, 133.07 s, 5.1 MB/s
                            a01081baa62207e917061959a349c80d -
                            [/code] compair this md5 to the other md5 and if they match then your all set. disk should be perfect. one more check on the live disk if you want to be super sure.

                            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                            (top of thread: thread tools)


                              Re: Install problem from Karmic CD

                              Thanks sithlord48. I did all the necessary checks and THINK I've solved the problem. The problem is with the particular computer that I was working from. The reason I say that I think I've solved the problem is that until I change the part that seems to be the cause of the problem I won't know.
                              I'll explain from the beginning. After doing all the necessary md5sum checks and everything appearing to be OK I tried the livedisk check and was informed that I had one file error (The same as I'd received up till now). I then did the same livedisk check on another computer and was informed there were no errors. I then was informed by a (Linux user) friend of mine to do memtest from grub2. I did this and was informed there were errors in the memory.
                              I now presume that this is the problem and plan to replace the "failed" memory. Hopefully this will solve this problem for me. It's weired that the ONLY problem I am having because of this is the ability to install Karmic from a CD. I have not encountered any other problems because of this apparent memory failure. I was able to install Jaunty and then upgrade it - NOT Karmic - why?
                              When I've changed the part I'll report back.

