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9.04 to 9.10 firefox upgrade (Solved)

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    9.04 to 9.10 firefox upgrade (Solved)

    Hi All,

    I hope this helps anyone upgrading to 9.10 with Firefox installed using Ubuntuzilla.

    I just did an upgrade to 9.10 from 9.04. In 9.04 I installed Firefox using Ubuntuzilla and after the
    upgrade the repositories said I had Firefox 3.5.5 installed but Firefox help said it was version 3.5.3.

    I tried to do a reinstall then a remove/install then a purge/install but firefox would still be version 3.5.3.

    I then restored 9.04 from backup and did a remove of firefox 3.5.3 following the instructions from
    Ubuntuzilla web site. I also removed Ubuntuzilla.
    Then I did the Upgrade to 9.10 and Used the firefox installer that comes with 9.10 and firefox 3.5.5
    was installed.
