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[SOLVED] Applied bug-fix updates this AM and PC now boots into GRUB menu

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    [SOLVED] Applied bug-fix updates this AM and PC now boots into GRUB menu

    I applied some bug-fix updates this morning and now my PC boots into GRUB 1.97~beta4 menu.

    This PC has never been dual-boot and previously (after the 3-second timer) would boot straight into Kubuntu, as it did first thing today.

    Possibly unrelated but the network printer and PDF printer which were installed and working have disappeared and the Printer Configuration GUI is now screwed up; the option to install a local printer has gone and the usual options for network printer configuration have disappeared.
    Kubuntu 20.04(AMD64)/KDE 5

    Re: Applied bug-fix updates this AM and PC now boots into GRUB menu

    Seems a change I'd made to /etc/init.d/rc caused all of the above glitches, I'd set boot processes to run in parallel (CONCURRENCY=shell) and my system didn't like it.

    It also affected Samba shares as I was having to manually re-start Samba before they would become available.

    In Jaunty this setting had no adverse effect on my system but maybe the boot sequence of some of the other scripts has changed in Karmic.

    All is back to normal now.
    Kubuntu 20.04(AMD64)/KDE 5

