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Jaunty -> Koala upgrade totally broke my system: unable to boot

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    Jaunty -> Koala upgrade totally broke my system: unable to boot

    I've made the "katastrophic koala" upgrade today.
    First, it output some errors about packages during the installation.
    I skipped all of them.
    Then it proceeded, downloaded some stuff, somehow applied it I guess, and then it just froze (the updater window went blank).
    And no single application was able to run.
    And the reboot button didn't work either.
    I switched to the first terminal and wrote "shutdown", but it said something like "command not found".
    Now I'm unable to boot in any mode, because lots of commands aren't found.
    I'm unable even to reach a command line - it just stops booting due to different "command not found" errors.
    The root filesystem was mounted on a RAID-1 md0 partition.
    I've tried to reinstall Kubuntu Jaunty, but it said that "root filesystem not set".
    Maybe the update process somehow broke root filesystem mounting?
    If so, this could explain why the basic commands are missing...
    Do you have any ideas how can I fix my computer back?

    *I've tried 'dpkg --configure -a' before rebooting, but it said "too many errors" and exited.

    Re: Jaunty -> Koala upgrade totally broke my system: unable to boot

    "katastrophic koala"

    You didn't say HOW you upgraded. LiveCD, KpackageKit, Synaptic....

    Also, it is NEVER a good idea to ignore warnings and plow on straight ahead. By doing so it looks like you totally borked your installation.

    Since you wanted to upgrade I'd suggest you download the ISO and md5sum check it. Then burn the ISO AND CHECK IT!

    Then, install from the good LiveCD.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Jaunty -> Koala upgrade totally broke my system: unable to boot

      Well, I'm a typical "Next, Next, Next!!!" Windows user, it explains everything...
      I think I'll go talk with the Console for a while, maybe she's gonna enlighten me...
      I would reinstall the system, but I don't want to loose all the configuration (i'm a developer)
      Anyway, thanks for bumping


        Re: Jaunty -> Koala upgrade totally broke my system: unable to boot

        I've talked with my Console, and she told me, that "raid1: unrecoverable I/O read block", and also "/bin/sh: 1: runlevel not found", "unknown job: usplash" and so on...
        So I guess we've been ****ed.
        I'll go reinstall this thing then...


          Re: Jaunty -> Koala upgrade totally broke my system: unable to boot

          Yup, Console is a lovely lady, and she never lies to you.

          As a retired developer you've roused my curiosity: what are you developing and what tools do you use?
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

