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Upgrade to RC or final version from beta - Updates? Full install?

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    Upgrade to RC or final version from beta - Updates? Full install?

    Ok, this might be a silly question, but if I don´t ask it, I´ll be more silly.... I keep wondering, if the upgrades applied to my beta installation have turned it to a "RC" version installed? And, when the final version is finally released, will the updates bring my "beta quasi RC" to final release?

    Or, should it be better to make a clean install? I still have a dual boot configuration, but was really thinking about ditching XP completly and install just Kubuntu, and maybe, get XP running in a virtual box, for certain devices that I cannot use in kubuntu.... but the backup process is something that I really want to avoid.....

    anyway, back on topic, what would be the best route?



    Re: Upgrade to RC or final version from beta - Updates? Full install?

    The package and kernel upgrades "roll" forward to the final release version. In other words, they go into the repositories as the newer versions are debugged and tested, replacing the prior versions. So, if you are fully upgraded today, you are running "RC", and if you continue upgrading through the end of the month, you will be running "released" the day it is released.

