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Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

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    Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

    Hi, I thought that was a fixed issue, by long time ago. Not anymore....Apparently, I have to write again the NTFS partitions that I want to be mounted. They show up on Dolphin, unmounted, but when I click on them, I get an error:
    An error occurred while accessing <<Volume (ntfs)>>, system responded:
    org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidMountOPti on: The option 'locale=es_ES.UTF-8' is not allowed for uid=1000
    How can I fix that? Its clearly a permission problem, but I'm not sure whether I should fix it myself (and how to do that, as I don't deal usually with permissions), or should I wait for an update that fixes it?
    Thank you very much!

    Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

    Maybe it is this bug > Bug #395079 [KDE4][Karmic] Error mounting ntfs volume from dolphin's resources panel. It status is "Triaged" not "Fixed".

    It has:
    I have resolved adding the following line in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20-storage-methods.fdi

    <append key="volume.mount.valid_options" type="strlist">locale=</append>
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

      Sorry for the ignorance, but what does "triaged" mean?


        Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

        It is a first step for an issue towards a fix.

        > Ubuntu/Bugs/HowToTriage
        In a hospital, triage happens the instant a patient arrives through the emergency room doors. His vital signs are checked, his status assessed, and he gets sorted in amongst all the other patients waiting for treatment.

        Bug triage is a lot like that as we assess bugs to determine whether or not they have enough to be worked on and assign a priority to them as soon as possible. Without any risk of death.

        Ubuntu receives an incredibly large number of bug reports every day through our bug tracking system. Each one of these needs to be read, assessed, and sorted so it can be fixed...
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

          Ah, great to know! Thank you very much! I'll try to edit the mentioned file to see how it goes.
          Again, thank you!

          EDIT: Whoa, I said that too fast...I tried to edit the file myself. It has an awful lot of lines, and I'm not sure in which part should I add the line. I also saw there's a .patch file, but I don't know how should I apply that. Can you help me on that?


            Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

            @tim it looks like about line 277 there are a series of "volume.mount.valid.options ..." statements -- that would be logical place to paste it in.

            Before editing it, first back up the file. Because I'm a poor typist, I first "cd" to the directory where I need to do the work:
            cd /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/
            Then back up the file:

            sudo cp 20-storage-methods.fdi 20-storage-methods.fdi.bak18sep09
            Then run kate in super user mode:

            kdesudo kate
            and open the file 20-storage-methods.fdi (you might have to browse back to the /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/ directory to find it).

            copy the line from Rog131's post on this thread, then cursor to the end of the "volume.mount.valid.options..." statements, and paste the new one right after the last existing one. Make sure the indent matches the one above it.

            "File > Save" in kate, and exit kate, and then you'll need to restart your system. Once you are logged back in, try to work with your NTFS partition from Dolphin, and see if it's working.


              Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

              ... and if the edit of the /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20-storage-methods.fdi doesn't work or you don't want to edit it.

              An "old" and tested way (> Topic: Mount problem):

              1) What device/partition /1/.

              sudo fdisk -l
              Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
              /dev/sdd1 * 1 9963 80027766 7 HPFS/NTFS
              2) Making a mount point /2/:
              sudo mkdir -p /media/tmp
              3) Mounting /3/
              sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/tmp
              4) The ntfs partition should be show as mounted in the Dolphin

              /1/ man fdisk
              /2/ man mkdir
              /3/ man mount
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

                Thanks for the last post, Rog131, but I truly wanted to avoid doing that manually again. I always used to, but I always thought it was annoying to manually specify to the system which hardware it has installed, when in fact the system can guess that. I really appreciated when the linux kernel integrated the ntfs-3g driver, and I want to keep using the automatic mounting way

                BTW: Thanks to dibl as well, although there was a lot of different paragraphs mentioning "volume.mount.valid.options..."
                So I went to the patch and opened it. Guessing a little bit, I found out that the right paragraph should be the one that mentions ntfs. Okay, that sounds obvious, but I found no confirmation until I found the set of previous lines matched with the ones mentioned in the patch only in the ntfs paragraph. So There I went, I wrote the line there, and it worked. Apparently, now I can access properly the ntfs partition.
                Thanks guys for your help and patience!


                  Re: Kubuntu now doesn´t mount my NTFS drives

                  Originally posted by timonoj

                  Guessing a little bit, I found out that the right paragraph should be the one that mentions ntfs.
                  Good catch! I missed those titles with the filesystem types -- of course the stanza that is for ntfs would be the one you needed. Glad it works, and thanks to Rog for finding it.

