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KDM from 4.3.1

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    KDM from 4.3.1

    When KDM is starting, it shows for a while (about 500ms ) some other theme, and after that time is loaded my custom kdm theme. I tried complete reinstall - purge. Also tried another themes, disabling ksplash, but problem persists.

    The strange theme is probably some default oxygen theme (blue colors) and it looks like more ksplash theme then kdm theme (there are no input controls, only blue oxygen background and empty rectangle in the middle of the screen)

    I have this problem for about 10 days, there was no such problem before . Using bootchart, i found out, that KDM is started more than 1 time -> first kdm process ends after about 500ms and just after starts another => this is problably not normal.

    Any idea where can by problem?

    Re: KDM from 4.3.1

    I imagine it's caused by the recent changes to make the boot process more seamless.

    The idea is to start X (and kdm) as early as possible. It seems to start kxsplash with the oxygen-air theme first, then you get to the greeter login, and then another kxsplash after you've entered your login credentials. kxsplash being the box with the disk, the screen, the globe, etc, and eventually the K that illustrates the KDE startup process. If you're not using the oxygen-air theme - and I take it you don't - things will just look weird.

    If you have automatic login set up and you use the oxygen-air theme, there will be less of a transition, as the pre-greeter kxsplash will just chain into your own kxsplash. I see some design issues here, and it'll be interesting to see how they'll manage those.

    The usplash theme is still the same though, so even with KMS there will be a jump between theming.
    KDE, I heart thee.


      Re: KDM from 4.3.1

      You are probably right. There is a lot of work to do, becase i found some other issues regarding to ksplash.

      For example, when using Default theme for ksplash (oxygen air), it has greyscaled background ... but it should have blue colors. It seems, that this is caused by scaling to my ressolution 1280x800. When I add to the theme direcotory "1280x800" with scaled backround.png, it works with proper colors.

      Interessting is also, that ksplash started before kdm login uses proper colors of Default theme even without my tweak so there is probably used some other resolution


        Re: KDM from 4.3.1

        So what's the remedy? I tried to remove the theme and even deleted the background.png (s) [all of them] and it still pops up?
        But I count my life of no value to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God's grace. Acts 20:24 (HCSB)


          Re: KDM from 4.3.1

          KSplashX / KDE splash before the log in

          > Re: Karmic Release Schedule, Plans, KDE 4.3 (XSplash with the Kubuntu) >> Kubuntu Karmic Xsplash:

          Start ksplashx Default in the /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup script

          UI Changes

          The ksplashx Default theme shows a disk loading and will suffice for a startup screen. We could optionally replace it with a distro logo or a circular throbber.
          The Xsetup has as default:
          cat /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup
          #! /bin/sh
          # Xsetup - run as root before the login dialog appears

          #xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -notify -verbose -fn fixed -exitOnFail -file /dev/xconsole &

          # Kubuntu needs boot splash starting, KDM will kill it when it is running
          if ! grep -q ^AutoLoginEnable=true /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc; then
          ksplashx Default &
          The KsplashX is telling:
          Usage: ksplashx <theme> [--test] [--pid]

          Earlier > Topic: [SOLVED] Creating custom KDM Login Theme - KDE 4.1.3

          => Here:

          I have a 1680x1050 (=16:10) monitor so i need a 16:10 (the closest available for the Default theme is the 1920x1200) picture/folder. KDE will scale the picture to the /var/tmp/kdecache-rog/ksplashx/Default-1680x1050-background.png (/var/tmp/kdecache-<USER>/ksplashx/Default-1680x1050-background.png).

          The "/var/tmp/kdecache-<USER>/ksplashx/" is a temporary directory but it can survive the powerdown/restart. You can clean the kdecache directories (earlier > Topic: the exit icons have disappeared).

          You could (working here - may or may not work there):

          Set another theme to the /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup or edit the Default theme. If the Default theme doesn't have the right image proportion then you will need to clean the kdecache after the Default theme edit.
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information

