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Nvidia drivers installation

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    Nvidia drivers installation

    When attempting to activate the latest Nvidia drivers, I am only offered "version 96 (recommended)"

    This only allows a horrible 640x480 on my screen .

    My computer has an old Nvidia video card - GeForce MX 440 - but according to

    I should be able to download a later version and try that.

    Before I go down that route:
    Is there any way of knowing if my Video card will work with the latest drivers or is it a suck it and see?
    Is there an easier way of installing the later version than the manual method in the quoted post.


    Re: Nvidia drivers installation

    The latest nVidia drivers only support 6000 series and high cards - you do in fact need to use the older legacy drivers for your listed hardware.

    Games I Play on Ubuntu - Linux Gaming Optimizations


      Re: Nvidia drivers installation

      Here's a site worth bookmarking, for owners of Nvidia cards:


        Re: Nvidia drivers installation

        Thanks guys . Saves me thrashing around on a wild goose chase.
        Shame that this card only supports such a low res.

        Without using the card I can get 800x600 but no Effects.
        It used to run WinXP before I put Kubuntu on it and I am sure it ran a higher res then..

        I guess I will have to get a better card if I want to get a decent res AND Effects.

        cheers and thanks for your help,


          Re: Nvidia drivers installation

          I have the same card. It runs at higher resolutions than 640x480 though it has a tendency to start up with that setting.

          On my desktop I can dial in a better resolution using 'nvidia-settings' on a command line.
          Running 1024x 768(?) right now.


            Re: Nvidia drivers installation

            Thanks for sharing that.

            I tried that too - typing in the dimensions I wanted - 1366x766 or something like that. But all it did was give me a virtual screen, larger than my monitor that I had to scroll around - but the size of icons etc were still the same - chunky. Just on a bigger screen.

            V Confused!

            Can you do a snap shot of the relevant screen - the one that shows the nvidia settings - or tell me if there was anything else you changed.



              Re: Nvidia drivers installation

              And don't forget also, Alberto Milone's Envy script:
              "Envy" is an application for Ubuntu Linux and Debian written in Python and PyGTK which will:
              1) detect the model of your graphic card (only ATI and Nvidia cards are supported) and install the appropriate driver. However automatic detection can be overridden with the "Manual installation"
              2) install the right driver for your card and all the required dependencies
              3) configure the Xserver for you

              Envy features both a GUI (which you can launch only inside a Desktop Environment) and a textual interface which you can use if, for example, you cannot start the Xserver.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Nvidia drivers installation

                PJJ - just noted that you mentioned that you set the screen res by command line. I was trying to use the GUI. Can you tell me the actual command syntax you used. I have seen a few on the net ....something like "xrandr -fb aaaa x bbbb"2 ?

                Snowhog - tried the envy thing. Conformed that I was right to stick to the Ver96 driver and not try any other.

                If I can get this xrandr command to work, that may do it -OR will I have to edit a file (xorg? ) as well to make that permanent. Just feeling my way on this...



                  Re: Nvidia drivers installation

                  I also use Nvidia video card checking the Nvidia web site I found drivers for linux there in a .tar.gz file for many differant may find one you need...

                  HP Pavilion m7750n desktop<br />AMD 64x2 2.6 ghz cpu,2gb mem,Geforce 6150 Le graphics <br /> Kubuntu 11.04 x86_64


                    Re: Nvidia drivers installation

                    Envy tells me that I have the right drivers (series 93).

                    But the system configuration utility (System Settings - Display) only offers me 640x480 or worse. The GUI doesnt give me any way of typing anything else in.

                    The Nvidia x server setting util only tell me what I have and allows me to set the panning screen size.

                    I assume I need to use a CLI to enter the exact instructions but what I have tried doesnt work - probably got the syntax all wrong (xrandr -fb 1268x766)?

