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Very Strange Problem in 9.10 with text rendering in certain applications

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    Very Strange Problem in 9.10 with text rendering in certain applications

    Let me start out by saying that this is a problem in xubuntu but before you yell just note that I know for a fact that it is a problem with the way that my video is being configured and or driven so it wouldnt be specific to any flavor of ubuntu.

    So heres the deal: text in emacs is rendered absolutely HUGE (note that i do have the custom DPI at 96)
    also, in a program called R running in terminal, plot windows show nothing except the message that figure margins are too large (i read somewhere when investigating this message that it could be cause by text being too big)

    I can insert an xorg.conf (actually a working one from when i was running kubuntu that i posted here) which basically forces xubuntu to boot in low graphics mode.

    In low graphics mode, I do not experience any of the problems mentioned above, everything works great save being fuzzy looking.

    I would also like to add that other than this problem the graphics handling is great everything worked right away and i can even use an external monitor which i could not before.

    I am wondering if this has anything to do with it actually:

    jarrettmb@jarrettmb-laptop:~$ glxinfo |grep vendor
    server glx vendor string: SGI
    client glx vendor string: SGI
    OpenGL vendor string: DRI R300 Project
    as it says SGI and not ATI

    Anyway this is somewhat of a wierd problem and if anyone can help it will be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

    ~ Newsboys6

    Re: Very Strange Problem in 9.10 with text rendering in certain applications

    haha good many views and no replies or ideas

    i guess that speaks of the magnitude of the oddity of the problem

    is it possible that someone could link me to an article online about configuring an xorg.conf under 9.10 (the old one that i used under 9.04 produces an error and the hardware has not changed)

    i've tried the command line way (something like xorg -configure or something like that and got an error i don't know maybe that has something to do with the problem

    all i know is that the problem only seems to be with R and emacs23, everything else works perfectly. when i was using the open source ati drivers under custom configuration in 9.04 i couldn't hook my laptop up to an external monitor but with the new way things are done I can now do that

    open gl works pretty good to, i can run openarena just fine

    to anyone who has as much as looked and considered the problem for even half a second i just want to say thanks as i know its a complex problem

    ~ Newsboys6

    EDIT: almost forgot, hp dv5000 with Radeon Xpress 200M graphics


      Re: Very Strange Problem in 9.10 with text rendering in certain applications

      Ok more information,

      I am almost 100% positive that my problem has something to do with the way that the open source ati driver (i am currently using the one marked 'radeon') handles text antialiasing. I say this because I just installed emacs22 which does not feature text anti-aliasing and it works just fine (the text is not frickin huge and unreadable)

      However, this still does not solve my problem with R as all available versions of R use text antialiasing. I have tried turning off text antialiasing in xfce window options and it doesnt bring about any changes.


      Thanks in advance,

      ~ Newsboys6


        Re: Very Strange Problem in 9.10 with text rendering in certain applications

        Sorry for the extended delay in getting to this thread.

        (0) Someone who uses emacs and R: a person who shares my taste in software!

        (1) Have you tried the proprietary (closed-source) ATI driver? You will probably have to install it manually, since it's likely that the Envy package will be thrown off by the SGI identification. BTW, you might really have an SGI built Radeon graphics adapter. Sometimes, manufacturers contract stuff out to other folks with spare capacity.


          Re: Very Strange Problem in 9.10 with text rendering in certain applications

          have you tired to different text anti-aliasing options ?
          they can be changed in
          System Settings-> Appearance->Fonts
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)

