I've gone through a lot of pages (at least 25) now and was stuck with error messages saying
mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfS-3g'
So here is what I've done to correct the issue and it works. Please let me know if I am making any big mistake here. I've added the following line to my fstab and it works.
/dev/sda1 /media/WinNTFS ntfs-3g user,default 0 0
I've used "fdisk -l" to see where my NTFS or Windows XP partition was loaded. My NTFS partition was on /dev/sda1. I have created a folder "WinNTFS" under "/media" directory and is used to mount the partition.
mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfS-3g'
So here is what I've done to correct the issue and it works. Please let me know if I am making any big mistake here. I've added the following line to my fstab and it works.
/dev/sda1 /media/WinNTFS ntfs-3g user,default 0 0
I've used "fdisk -l" to see where my NTFS or Windows XP partition was loaded. My NTFS partition was on /dev/sda1. I have created a folder "WinNTFS" under "/media" directory and is used to mount the partition.