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KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

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    KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

    Anyone know if the upgrade will be available for Jaunty users??

    Re: KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

    I don't think so, but you can upgrade to Karmic, any reason not to upgrade your system? (besides a KDE upgrade is almost as big as a system upgrade anyway)


      Re: KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

      I'm really reluctant to do the upgrade. I've had too many nightmare experiences in the past. As we all know, upgrades are not the Kubuntu team's forté. Just take a look at some of the postings in the KK forums. I think I'll wait awhile until things settle down before I even consider the upgrade.


        Re: KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

        I understand the position, but then don't upgrade to KDE 4.3.3 either...

        Also "Just take a look at some of the postings in the KK forums" doesn't mean much, it means that out of millions of people who upgraded successfully some people had problems (that's also a selection bias, meaning that people who didn't have any problems won't come of forums to report it -- for what is worth I didn't have any major problem, the only thing that doesn't work for me is update notification, but that doesn't work for a clean install either).


          Re: KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

          Well, I don't want to create an endless (and ultimately pointless) debate here. Agreed, any upgrade is fraught with peril, but it seems that individual package updates have been very stable and error-free. It's the distribution upgrades that Canonical can never seem to get right. And when they go bad, they go terribly bad.

          As for my comment on checking the postings: yes, it is meaningful to read the commentary there. If there are "millions of people" who haven't had problems, there are likely millions who *have* had a problem and are simply too disgusted to post.


            Re: KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

            mluffman: I'm with you. This debate is pointless. I wish someone would simply just give a definite yes or no answer. I don't want to update to Karmic either. I had a lot of pain updating to Jaunty. I just got that right (by using Mint 7). I definitely don't want to go through that type of heck again. Why force people to use Karmic just to get an updated DE?


              Re: KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

              Anyone know if the upgrade will be available for Jaunty users??
              I wish someone would simply just give a definite yes or no answer.
              The problem to give a definitive answer is this: The Kubuntu Forums is a place where the ordinary users are sharing their knowledge (or ignorance ).

              The backporting of the KDE 4.3.3 to the Jaunty is depending of the Kubuntu developers. The most work is done for the development version. The backporting is done if the Kubuntu maintainers have time (or interest) to do the backport.

              More information of the Kubuntu Updates Policy can be found:
              > Re: Jaunty Release Schedule, Plans, KDE 4.2 (Why isn't KDE 4.2.3/4.2.4 in the jaunty-updates)
              > Re: Karmic Release Schedule, Plans, KDE 4.3 (Kubuntu Updates Policy)
              > Kubuntu Updates Policy (proposed)

              To get a definitive answer you could post a question to the > Kubuntu Developer Discussion
              Using kubuntu-devel

              To post a message to all the list members, send email to
              Before you edit, BACKUP !

              Why there are dead links ?
              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
              2. Thread: Lost Information


                Re: KDE 4.3.3 for Jaunty?

                At this point, the answer is NO for jaunty, unless someone steps up to do it themselves (help and guidance would be provided to anyone interested)

