I would like kate to use cpp syntax highlighting with a different file extention, let's say "ncc".
I see that syntax highlighting files are contained in two different directories in my installation of 9.04 kubuntu for some reason:
/usr/share/kde4/apps/katepart/syntax/cpp.xml <-- newer
How do I tell kate to use cpp.xml for a different file extension? Is there another file that associates extentions with syntax xml files somewhere? And what is its name?
I see that syntax highlighting files are contained in two different directories in my installation of 9.04 kubuntu for some reason:
/usr/share/kde4/apps/katepart/syntax/cpp.xml <-- newer
How do I tell kate to use cpp.xml for a different file extension? Is there another file that associates extentions with syntax xml files somewhere? And what is its name?