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openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

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    openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

    I cannot install openssh-server on my kubuntu 9.04 machine?

    I have tried using the;

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server command but this gives the error;

    Package openssh is not available but is referenced by another package.
    This may mean that the package is missing, been obsoleted or
    is only available from another source
    E: package open-ssh has no installation candidate.

    I can ssh out to other machines but cannot ssh into this machine
    and don't know how to do this without installing the ssh server.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04

    Hi, I think it gets installed by the ssh meta-package


      Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04


      Thank you your response.

      I have tried to install this package using KpackageKit but it just error's out!
      I think this package is to old for the 9.04 version.


        Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04

        Mmm, KPackageKit is broken in Jaunty, it may be better to use Synaptic. Have you refreshed your sources? I am using ssh in Jaunty ...


          Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!


          Problem solved!

          Using the Konquer Web Browser I went to the archive repository at;

          and right clicked on the openssh-server_5.1p1-5ubuntu1_i386.deb package
          (not sure if the other packages will work?)

          I opened the package with the GDebi Package Installer rather than using the default KpackageKit installer.

          This installed straight away creating an sshd_config file in /etc/ssh.

          I restarted the networking services;

          /etc/init.d/networking restart

          And was able to ssh in from another machine on my network.

          Hope this helps others as could not find anything on the net?


            Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

            Although you were able to find a workaround, openssh-server should be installable via apt-get.
            Did you do a:
            sudo apt-get update
            prior to trying to install? (the command refreshes the list of available packages from the repos)

            And if you did, there is something wrong with your sources.list or the local repository mirror (if you use a local mirror)


              Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!


              Yes I did use the apt-get update command to refresh the repository which worked fine.

              But when I tried the apt-install openssh-server command I got the message as in my original posting?


                Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

                Originally posted by kc
                E: package open-ssh has no installation candidate.
                Is it possible you made a typo when you ran 'apt-get install openssh-server'?

                The error message above suggests you were trying to install 'open-ssh' package?


                  Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!


                  I ran the history command and checked the spelling of the that I originally ran and it was ok?
                  So not sure why I got the error?

                  I agree with you that it should have worked straight away but for some reason it did not.


                    Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

                    Originally posted by kc
                    I ran the history command and checked the spelling of the that I originally ran and it was ok?
                    So not sure why I got the error?
                    Dang, wasn't a typo then.

                    Are you using some third party repos (or ppas) in addition to the standard ubuntu repositories?

                    And do you still get errors if you run:
                    sudo apt-get --simulate --reinstall install openssh-server
                    (the --simulate makes sure it doesn't actually do anything, just show you what would happen if you tried to reinstall openssh-server)


                      Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!


                      Here is the output that I got after running the simulate command

                      sudo apt-get --simulate --reinstall install openssh-server
                      Reading package lists... Done
                      Building dependency tree
                      Reading state information... Done
                      Reinstallation of openssh-server is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.
                      0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

                      I thought that the original problem might have been caused by our proxy configuration so used a direct connection to the Internet but still had the same problem when building a different machine?


                        Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

                        Originally posted by kc
                        Reinstallation of openssh-server is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.
                        Yep, something still amiss there, could you post your repository lists (contents of the file /etc/apt/sources.list)?


                          Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

                          Repository lists as requested.

                          deb jaunty-security main restricted
                          deb-src jaunty-security main restricted
                          deb jaunty-security universe
                          deb-src jaunty-security universe
                          deb jaunty-security multiverse
                          deb-src jaunty-security multiverse


                            Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

                            You are missing a bunch of repos. Did you omit the ones commented out? (lines started with the # character). There are several ways to add repositories depending what you are using


                            If none of these work, we'll help you add the missing repos by hand.

                            Kudos to kubicle for following up, there was obviously something broken and it was going to blow in your face next time. You are the best!


                              Re: openssh-server for kubuntu 9.04 SOLVED!

                              Originally posted by kc
                              deb jaunty-security main restricted
                              deb-src jaunty-security main restricted
                              deb jaunty-security universe
                              deb-src jaunty-security universe
                              deb jaunty-security multiverse
                              deb-src jaunty-security multiverse
                              As Imilano already pointed out, you basically only have the jaunty-security repos enabled, you need to add at least 'jaunty' and 'jaunty-updates' repos, and possibly 'jaunty-backports' if you choose enable it.

