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sound is "jerking"

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    sound is "jerking"


    I am using Kubuntu Linux since a few years and never had problems like this. When playing music (mp3s from harddisk) the music jerks when i click at the firefox, another message in the akregator and so on. So interacting with the system, with the applications leads to a small stop in sound, a jerk. I tried many players (amarok2, quod libet, songbird) but it's all the same.

    My audio device:
    hwinfo --sound
    14: PCI 10.1: 0403 Audio device
    [Created at pci.314]
    UDI: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_10de_26c
    Unique ID: wRyD.GY68vqnPUiA
    SysFS ID: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:10.1
    SysFS BusID: 0000:00:10.1
    Hardware Class: sound
    Model: "nVidia MCP51 High Definition Audio"
    Vendor: pci 0x10de "nVidia Corporation"
    Device: pci 0x026c "MCP51 High Definition Audio"
    SubVendor: pci 0x1458 "Giga-byte Technology"
    SubDevice: pci 0xa102
    Revision: 0xa2
    Driver: "HDA Intel"
    Driver Modules: "snd_hda_intel"
    Memory Range: 0xf5100000-0xf5103fff (rw,non-prefetchable)
    IRQ: 22 (77997 events)
    Module Alias: "pci:v000010DEd0000026Csv00001458sd0000A102bc04sc0 3i00"
    Driver Info #0:
    Driver Status: snd_hda_intel is active
    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe snd_hda_intel"
    Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown

    Because i hadn't any problems till know, I do not know where to look about the sound-server and so on. I beleave i have alsa + pulse audio running, but i am not sure.

    Any Ideas?

    Re: sound is "jerking"

    I have occasionally had symptoms like this, usually when my computer was having to work too hard to keep up with all the stuff I am making it do.

    Do you have a lot of programs running at once? Could you easily upgrade your ram? Increase your swap space?


      Re: sound is "jerking"

      No i don't think so. it also happens when i just change the message in akregator,.. a simple click.

      Till Kubuntu 8.10 i hadn't any problems like this. (Same PC)


        Re: sound is "jerking"

        If you hit Ctrl-Esc you will get a list of the processes which are running. Perhaps you will see something which is taking up a lot of processing power. The very bottom line will also show you the memory usage. Sometimes you can just identify which process is using too much and change that.

        It is also possible to change the audio priorities to rtprio 90 and a nice of -10 in the /etc/security/limits.conf file. You really shouldn't have to go to such an extreme though.


          Re: sound is "jerking"

          Ok the only "abnormal" process listed is krunner, which is the alt+f2 application. It alwasy has about 1-3 % .. ?!?

          except that just the active applications are shown with cpu usage (firefox, quod libet (the mp3 player) and akregator when using it .. )

          The curious thing is, it happens when clicking,.. so running many many applications doesn't matter, a click for window change, message change (akregator), email change and so on leads to a jerk.


            Re: sound is "jerking"

            Ok found that krunner is (also) the system monitor (ctrl + esc) ...


              Re: sound is "jerking"

              sudo free
              total used free shared buffers cached
              Mem: 897228 653704 243524 0 13356 294188
              -/+ buffers/cache: 346160 551068
              Swap: 522072 65196 456876

              So i think the memory is also no problem...


                Re: sound is "jerking"

                Here's an idea. In System Settings > Sound System you can check the box that says "run with highest possible priority". It's under the title "skip prevention". I assume it does roughly the same as my previous suggestion.


                  Re: sound is "jerking"

                  I use KDE 4.2.2 and there is nothing with priority in System-Settings -> Multimedia. And i do not find an System-Settings -> Sound System entry?!?


                    Re: sound is "jerking"

                    Oops, I just looked and you're right - it's gone! Boy, they sure have a lot of confidence in that sound system I guess.

                    I'm probably not the guy to come up with your answer, but if you want to try, I'll give some details of my other suggestion. Here is what some people do to set the audio priority and avoid dropouts. This assumes that you have a group called audio. Edit the file /etc/security/limits.conf and add the following lines:
                     @audio - rtprio     90
                     @audio - nice      -10
                    Then reboot. You can also add a line for memlock, but I don't know the exact syntax. I have a feeling that even if this works though, it would still just be a workaround to some other problem.


                      Re: sound is "jerking"

                      i also think there is another problem behind.. but which? ;-)

                      I tried it (i also added pulseaudio to policy kit (polkit-gnome-authorization also works with KDE).. but the problem is still not solved...


