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[SOLVED]Audacity cannot play sound anymore

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    Re: Audacity cannot play sound anymore

    Nothing at all...

    Here's what I did, first I added the PCM channel to the KMixer and configured it's volume, I also rebooted but it didn't seem to do anything...

    Second I tried the "Special Options" for my laptop model; editing the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file

    My laptop is an Acer Aspire 5720, it's model is NOT listed on that DataBase, but anyway, I tried all the Acer Aspire options that were listed.

    options snd-hda-intel model=acer
    options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire
    options snd-hda-intel model=auto
    options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire position_fix=1 enable=yes
    I reeboted every single time I edited the alsa-base.conf file and tried Audacity, but the annoying error always popped up.

    I then followed the link to the third option you gave me, but that workaround seems a little too much for me...

    My audio is fine, Amarok plays my music nicely, Kaffeine and Dragon Player do not have any audio issues, and Mozilla Firefox can play flash videos with good audio (and even alsaplayer works!); the only program refusing to play audio is Audacity. I don't want to drastically change my system just to run Audacity.

    Perhaps it's time to seek another Sound Edit application?


      Re: Audacity cannot play sound anymore


      With all other sound packages working correctly, it begins to look like an Audacity issue, doesn't it? My experience with it, going back 3 years and multiple Linux systems, is it is fairly picky about a number of things. I assume you've been into the Edit>Preferences settings menus of Audacity changing the outputs in all combinations. If you can't find a combination that produces a sound output, then I dunno ...


        Re: Audacity cannot play sound anymore


        Thanks for the tip of double-checking the Audacity configuration dibl!

        As you assumed, when I first got the problem, I checked the Audacity settings to see if something was wrong over there, but I didn't notice anything strange (I had much less knowledge than I have now, hehe) and instead of poking every option, I just came here for help.

        And, well... because I began having the problem since I updated to Jaunty (and KDE4) and I blamed it on the update and then I forgot about asking for a right Audacity configuration.

        But your message enlightened me and I did a double-check of Audacity's settings right now.

        Upon opening the Edit->Preferences option, I noticed something very wrong on the Audio I/O tab:

        Before reading your previous message I had no idea of what was OSS; but now that I know, I thought that it should not be a primary option (at least for me), so I changed both the Playback and Recording devices from
        OSS: /dev/dsp
        ALSA: HDA Intel: ALC268 Analog (hw:0,0)
        And well, here is a picture of Audacity playing music!!! Finally!!! (And if you can notice, I'm running Firefox at the same time and there is no problem with it!!!) ^w^

        Now I can get back to edit my audio files!

        Thanks to everyone who posted, specially dibl!


          Re: [SOLVED]Audacity cannot play sound anymore

          Good to hear -- congrats!

