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(resolved for now)troubles with "social desktop" widget - need help

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    (resolved for now)troubles with "social desktop" widget - need help

    HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot, Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 & Windows XP Professional SP3
    model#: PU061AV
    X-86 based PC
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz
    1.25 GB of RAM
    Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)
    hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB

    This maybe something really simple that I should know, but here is what happened....

    I was recently adding a few desktop widgets for a test drive. I installed the widget called "social Desktop", and my screen went black! All I have is a mouse cursor and a black screen. I cant get the widgwt to close because I have nothing to point my cursor to. Not really sue what to do from here. I can Ctrl+Alt+F1 into my command line, but I dont know how to disable the widget I have installed.

    Does anyone know how I can remove this widget?

    Your help is always appreciated
    System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB

    Re: troubles with &quot;social desktop&quot; widget - need help

    Yes the whole plasma desktop has habit to crash if it can't handle / there is a bug in the plasmoid.

    Is this the "OpenDesktop" plasma widget ?
    "OpenDesktop - Communicate using the Social Desktop"

    Your KDE version ?

    Something to try:

    a) Removing the markings from the plasma configuration files.

    Make sure that the plasma desktop is not running - shut the plasma off.

    with the KDE 4.2 (konsole) : kquitapp plasma
    with the KDE 4.3 (konsole) : kquitapp plasma-desktop

    The applications that are not using plasma are still usable: Dolphn, Kate, Konsole, ...

    Alt+F2 and type konsole (or dolphin or kate...)

    The plasma-widgets (KDE 4.3) are writing to the ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc. With the KDE 4.2 ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc.

    With the "OpenDesktop", the plasma-desktop-appletsrc has something like:
    Remove those lines.

    Start the plasma desktop:

    with the KDE 4.3 (konsole) : plasma-desktop
    with the KDE 4.2 (konsole) : plasma

    b) A bit more invasive: Removing the plasma configuration files.

    This will reset ALL plasma settings !

    Make sure that the plasma desktop is not running - shut the plasma off.

    (KDE 4.3) Rename/move or remove the plasma configuration files:


    (KDE 4.2):


    Restart the plasma desktop.

    c) Reset the whole KDE

    This will reset ALL KDE settings !

    Log out.

    Log in by using the Ctrl+Alt+F1.

    Rename the ~/.kde directory.

    Log out.

    Log in by the graphical interface: Ctrl+Alt+F7.

    The KDE should start with the default settings. Your old settings are in the renamed ~/.kde directory.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: troubles with &quot;social desktop&quot; widget - need help

      Is this the "OpenDesktop" plasma widget ?
      "OpenDesktop - Communicate using the Social Desktop"

      KDE version 4.3

      Thanks Rog131

      was going to try your suggestions but ran into a couple of problems. See below...

      a) Removing the markings from the plasma configuration files.

      Make sure that the plasma desktop is not running - shut the plasma off.

      with the KDE 4.2 (konsole) : kquitapp plasma
      with the KDE 4.3 (konsole) : kquitapp plasma-desktop

      unknown program?
      ben@ben-desktop:~$ kquitapp plasma-desktop
      <unknown program name>(25582)/: "Application plasma-desktop could not be found using service org.kde.plasma-desktop and path /MainApplication."
      The applications that are not using plasma are still usable: Dolphn, Kate, Konsole, ...

      Alt+F2 and type konsole (or dolphin or kate...)
      BTW, thanks for this one. I didn't realize that I could do this. It was very good to know & will probably prove very useful in the future.

      The plasma-widgets (KDE 4.3) are writing to the ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc. With the KDE 4.2 ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc.

      With the "OpenDesktop", the plasma-desktop-appletsrc has something like:

      Remove those lines.

      Start the plasma desktop:

      with the KDE 4.3 (konsole) : plasma-desktop
      with the KDE 4.2 (konsole) : plasma
      Opened the file ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc (with Kate)

      The lines that you referred to were not there.

      I will post the contents if necessary, but for the sake of keeping the post readable I will only add it at your request.

      Wanted you to see this outcome before I moved on to steps b & c. It is confusing that I could not shut-off the plasma desktop.

      Any other suggestions before I move to step b or c?


      Solved the blackscreen problem Rog131. After attempting to quit plasma-desktop, I was wondering how to restart it because you didn't give that specific command. So I searched it...

      simple enough huh? So I was wondering if plasma had already stopped & just needed to be restarted? After Alt-F2 & running the command, I have my desktop back. Open-Desktop was not enabled. (not a big deal, I will check into that later)

      Yes the whole plasma desktop has habit to crash if it can't handle / there is a bug in the plasmoid.
      It must have crashed my desktop as you guessed, but I was able to restart it. Thank you for your help!

      System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB

