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How to have different plasmoids on different cube faces?

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    How to have different plasmoids on different cube faces?

    When I put the network and weather and CPU plasmoids on my Desktop 1 of the cube, they appear on the other three as well.

    This has probably been answered but I can't find it with any of several different search terms.

    So how can I have my "home" plasmoid on Desktop 1, Weather on two, and so forth?

    Running Jaunty with KDE 4.3.1 on an HP 9000 laptop (Intel)

    Re: How to have different plasmoids on different cube faces?

    With the KDE 4.3 > Topic: How to have different widgets on different desktops
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      Re: How to have different plasmoids on different cube faces?

      Okay, I hit the cashew. I get zoom out, unlock widgets, appearance settings.

      Zoom out, right -- and I don't see any new toolbox with a configure plasma setting.

      Passing strange.

      At the bottom of the zoomed out desktop I see (with widgets unlocked) + Add Widgets, + Add Activity, a zoom in lens, a zoom out lense, and the settings wrench which opens to a Plasma desktop settings box.

      Clearly I'm missing something here. Adding an activity shifts the whole thing to a different set of four faces on my cube, which isn't what I'm looking for.


        Re: How to have different plasmoids on different cube faces?

        I think the link Rog gave shows how to configure widgets on multiple virtual desktops, which is one thing. Default KDE 4 offers 4 virtual desktops.

        The "cube" is a single desktop, in reality. Although I have seen methods posted to put different wallpapers on the 4 cube sides for Compiz (KDE 3.5), I've never managed to make it work on my rig. AFAIK, it is not possible for KDE 4.


          Re: How to have different plasmoids on different cube faces?

          Zooming out (at here)

          Zoom out, right -- and I don't see any new toolbox with a configure plasma setting.
          Here: Zoom out and then the first activity has the "Configure Plasma"

          Activitivies = Virtual desktops (if you set so)

          The KDE 4 is using the activities. If you set: "Different activity for each desktop" then you could set different wallpaper for the each virtual desktop or different plasmoids for each virtual desktop.

          The "cube" is a "picture" of the virtual desktops folded to the "cube" shape. It is a cube if you have 4 virtual desktops.

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          Why there are dead links ?
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            Re: How to have different plasmoids on different cube faces?

            Originally posted by Rog131

            If you set: "Different activity for each desktop" then you could set different wallpaper for the each virtual desktop or different plasmoids for each virtual desktop.
            Great -- thanks Rog!

