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Kpackagekit! Broken-or not?

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    Kpackagekit! Broken-or not?

    OK so on the box I had last month Kpackagekit was totaley broken....the fork error.

    BUT on my curent box Kpackagekit work's just fine......? far as that goes (not very user frendley IMO)

    both boxes were instaled from the same CD and emideatley upgraded with apt-get and then had the medeabuntu stuff added.

    My thought's are the fork error on the first box was a resault of it being so old and slow sence the fork error talks about the sincrones request taking to long to be reternd from someware bla bla bla.
    and the new box is quite a bit newer and I on the rite track?

    the old box was onley a 700Mhz CPU 383 Mib RAM i810

    the new box 3Ghz P4 hiper threded dool core CPU 1.5 Gig RAM i915


    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

    Re: Kpackagekit! Broken-or not?

    Hi VINNY

    I think it is broken, and whether or not it works, at least partially, depends on what upgrades you have, and what features you use, and not really the hardware. It has to do, also, with the status of the PolicyKit project (making great progress but not yet mature).



      Re: Kpackagekit! Broken-or not?

      On 9.10, KpackageKit appears to be working correctly, except that it doesn't ask for a root password. Mine is a single-user computer so that's not a problem, but I think it is a bug -- users should not be able to install software.

      But, KpackageKit it provides a nice "list" view of upgraded packages before you choose to accept an upgrade -- I like that. What it does not do, that I wish it did, is to show the entire list of packages available in the repos, like synaptic and adept. So, either you remember the first few letters of the package you want, or else you are screwed (i.e. you are installing synaptic).


        Re: Kpackagekit! Broken-or not?

        Yes, and the other biggie for me is the lack of history of installations (which I love in Synaptic). Not so important but very useful is the ability in Synaptic to easily see if the package is supported or unsupported ... (they get the Ubuntu icon when listed if they are supported).

