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Automated copy to Samba drive

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    Automated copy to Samba drive

    My wife had an accident in her work today that I need to find a way to prevent from happening in the future.

    She has been working for the whole day on a document that is getting close to deadline and suddenly the power drops for one second.

    She loses her document. Upon booting back into Kubuntu, she opens OpenOffice that say she has a document that has not been restored. She restores it, but it does not have any of the work that she has doen today. Anyway - she saves this with a new name to prevent overwriting the original in the hope that it has more information.

    The original that she has been saving to is corrupted. And so is the backup on her flashdrive as well!!

    I guess this is what you can call maximum unlucky...

    What I am looking for now is a kind of backupsolution. It has to be possible for my wife to operate it. I will not always be around to be able to help her.

    This software needs to be able to back up a file on a regular basis, preferrably addin a serial number to the filename each time to avoid overwriting earlier copies. It should also be able to limit the number of copies. I would like to set it to make a copy every 10 minutes and keep the last 10 copies. So when it writes number 11, it will delete number 1.

    It needs to be able to put the copies on a server on a Samba drive or alternatively using ftp. I have both on my server here. No need for any fancy security stuff. It is a local home network.

    Could any of you recommend any programs that will do this? I know of some programs for Windows, but have not seen any for Linux yet.

    Maybe some kind of syncronisation utility that can do this?

    BTW - I did some search for backup etc. in the forum, but did not find anything that fit. The files on the server needs to be readable without any special software so my wife can just open them if she needs them.
    Software tips (in Norwegian):

    Re: Automated copy to Samba drive

    The answer, and really what you are describing, is the need for a versioning system

    I think the requirements are soft enough that they will all be more than ok. I would recommend one that has a nice and easy front end, maybe something based on svn ...


      Re: Automated copy to Samba drive

      rdiff-backup is designed to do exactly what you are looking for.


        Re: Automated copy to Samba drive

        If it's not super-secret stuff then Dropbox is a wonderful solution.


          Re: Automated copy to Samba drive

          Originally posted by Nate
          If it's not super-secret stuff then Dropbox is a wonderful solution.
          I think you missed a point in the OP - this is all on my local network. Why on earth would I use Dropbox over my 200kb/64kb line when I have 100Mb on my network and both my wifes pc and my server is on the same LAN?

          I am not looking for an enterprise solution or a way to use a sledgehammer to kill an ant. It is just some files in a folder that needs to be copied to my server at the other end of the house at regular intervals :-)
          Software tips (in Norwegian):


            Re: Automated copy to Samba drive

            As Skunk suggested, rdiff-backup is what you need. Try this link to get you started:


