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[Resolved] Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

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    [Resolved] Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

    Ok, so i got my (dependency problems & unconfigured packages) problems resolved. (It seems)

    Have made sure compiz is uninstalled. I am trying to enable my cube & cube animation features, using kwin. I have enabled composting. But when I click apply, I get a kde window manager that pops up & explains that 3 desktop effects cannot be enabled.

    desktop cube
    desktop animation

    Doesn't say why.

    composting is enabled & the effects are checked.

    Under the advanced tab in system settings-desktop effects: composting type is xrender (is this the correct type?) I eventually had to switch to open GL

    *****If you are reading my post on this subject for the 1st time. You will want to know that I had 2 previous threads leading up to this point. I will link them below:



    For you all who know of my previous misses on solving ths issue, do you think that maybe my video card just won't support it? I didn't really consider this as my system is not that old.

    HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot, Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 & Windows XP Professional SP3
    model#: PU061AV
    X-86 based PC
    AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz
    1.25 GB of RAM
    Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)
    hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB
    System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB

    Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

    Glad you got your other problem fixed.

    NVIDIA provides drivers for video cards, apparently including yours, at:

    check this link for instructions on how to install this driver:

    You may also need to do some editing of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.

    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

      Mine gave the same 3 desktop effects cannot be enabled.

      I gave up on the kde desktop effects and installed the gnome stuff for Compiz, Emerald Theme Manager, CompizConfig setting manager and most important the "Compiz Fusion Icon" which makes it all work. The icon sits in the system tray and when you right click on it you get the option to switch from the kde window manager to the compiz window manager etc, it also has the settings manager selection there as well. Now when I feel like it I turn it on and when I don't feel like it I use the kde window manager, the compiz window manager works with kde and you can still use the kde window decorator. When you switch the screen resets but all your open applications remain the same. The only big difference I saw so far is the desktops, rather than one application on 4 different desktops I put them on the same desktop, just 4 different sides of the cube.

      I found out about it on YouTube. I was fooling around with the HDTivo one day and brought up a bunch of desktop effects videos on Youtube and some videos described how to do it with gnome on ubuntu and that method works with kde as well.


        Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...


        I have previously installed the nvidia driver you mentioned. dibl recommended it to me in my last quest.

        I would like to hear anything else you may recommend trying.


        I may end up installing compiz for this endeavor, I was actually looking to do that at 1st. But I just wanted to make sure my system is functioning properly for now. So I wanted to try kwin before I went to compiz. I was thinking that kwin might be sufficient for me. Lets see if anyone know anything else that might work before I install & try compiz.
        System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


          Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

          tried to open NVIDIA X server settings....

          got the following message:

          You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.

          ***so I want you all to take a look at my xorg.conf.... See below

          ben@ben-desktop:~$ sudo nvidia-xconfig     
          Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".
          VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
                   Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver line.
          Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'
          New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'     
          ben@ben-desktop:~$ cd /etc/X11        
          ben@ben-desktop:/etc/X11$ cat xorg.conf   
          # nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
          # nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder62) Thu Jun 25 18:44:11 PDT 2009
          Section "ServerLayout"
            Identifier   "Layout0"
            Screen   0 "Screen0"
            InputDevice  "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
            InputDevice  "Mouse0" "CorePointer"  
          Section "Files"
          Section "InputDevice"
            # generated from default
            Identifier   "Mouse0" 
            Driver     "mouse" 
            Option     "Protocol" "auto"
            Option     "Device" "/dev/psaux"
            Option     "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
            Option     "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
          Section "InputDevice"
            # generated from default
            Identifier   "Keyboard0"
            Driver     "kbd"
          Section "Monitor"
            Identifier   "Monitor0"
            VendorName   "Unknown"
            ModelName   "Unknown"
            HorizSync    30.0 - 110.0
            VertRefresh   50.0 - 150.0
            Option     "DPMS"
          Section "Device"
            Identifier   "Device0"
            Driver     "nvidia"
            VendorName   "NVIDIA Corporation"
          Section "Screen"
            Identifier   "Screen0"
            Device     "Device0"
            Monitor    "Monitor0"
            DefaultDepth  24
            SubSection   "Display"
              Depth    24
          I was hoping this may give a clue as to why its not working :P
          System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


            Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

            So it appears that your xorg.conf was 'modified' by nvidia-xconfig. Have you, in a console, restarted the x server with:
            sudo startx
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

              I am trying to find some info, but I think that for some cards some of these effects are not available. I remember reading this somewhere as my older laptop, though using the open source ati drivers, could do most effects but not the cube or sphere. I remember vaguely the same for one of my older nvidia 5200 or 5500 cards but don't hold me to it as drivers have been updated since then, as has Xorg , kernels, etc :/


                Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                Originally posted by bhamm77

                I was hoping this may give a clue as to why its not working :P
                Try editing your xorg.conf file, starting with the screen stanza, so it ends like this:

                Section "Screen"
                  Identifier   "Screen0"
                  Device     "Device0"
                  Monitor    "Monitor0"
                  DefaultDepth  24
                  Option    "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True"
                  Option     "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
                  SubSection   "Display"
                    Depth    24
                    Modes   "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
                Section "Extensions"
                  Option "Composite" "Enabled"
                Then restart x and see what you have.


                  Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                  okay. I edited the xorg.conf just the way you said.

                  then ran
                  sudo startx
                  here is a problem...(I think)

                  ben@ben-desktop:~$ sudo startx
                  X: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of requested priority 0
                  Fatal server error:
                  Server is already active for display 0
                      If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
                      and start again.
                  Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
                       at [url][/url]
                   for help.
                   ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log
                  Now I will input this information...Though I dont know if it is necessary

                  ben@ben-desktop:~$ cd /tmp
                  ben@ben-desktop:/tmp$ ls
                  gpg-wQIM6H    kde-ben  ksocket-ben  nv     orbit-root     ssh-WASKr14607
                  hsperfdata_root kde-root ksocket-root orbit-ben pulse-cXyHZzsRwpC5
                  ben@ben-desktop:/tmp$ sudo ls -a
                  .     gpg-wQIM6H    kde-ben   ksocket-root orbit-root     .winbindd  .X11-unix
                  ..     hsperfdata_root kde-root   nv      pulse-cXyHZzsRwpC5 .wine-1000
                  .esd-1000 .ICE-unix    ksocket-ben orbit-ben   ssh-WASKr14607   .X0-lock
                  ben@ben-desktop:/tmp$ sudo cat .X0-lock
                  System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


                    Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                    If you have CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE enabled, use that.

                    from the menu button choose "restart xserver"

                    login to the text console
                    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start

                    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                      Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                      login to the text console
                      sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                      sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start

                      I did your suggestion. then...
                      sudo startx
                      got the same message


                      I installed the NVIDIA driver that was recommended & I accidentally for got to stop kdm 1st. Do you think that could have created an issue. It seemed to install hust fine and the GUI started back up when I did a
                      sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                      sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
                      after installing the driver using
                      sudo sh NVIDIAetc....
                      System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


                        Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                        the kdm start command does the same thing (as far as I know) as startx, so startx will give you an error, which doesn't matter at this point.

                        As to whether installing with kdm running or not makes a difference, I suspect it does, but try turning your effects on and see if they work; if not, repeat the procedure with kdm stopped.

                        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                          [Resolved] Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                          Thank you all! I know have Desktop cube!

                          Extra thanks to you DRDRUID for seeing me through!

                          Going to go play with my new toy now!
                          System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB


                            Re: Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                            One thing you need to be aware of...

                            Any time there is a kernel update, even if it's just a revision that does not change the version number, you will have to go through the console - kdm stop - sh NVIDIA -- kdm start process again. So don't delete the driver you downloaded; keep it handy. Any time your effects stop working, just reinstall it using that procedure.

                            And another thing... should you ever attempt to run any games with wine, you will have to turn compositing off, or they won't work. There is a plasma widget that toggles compositing, and I use that all the time.

                            Edit: oh yeah, I should also mention that when a kernel update occurs, your video may stop working altogether. Instead of the login screen, you will get an error screen that gives you several choices. Choose console login, and go through the installation procedure. The first time you see that screen, it scares the daylights out of you, but that's how to fix the problem.
                            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                              Re: [Resolved] Problems enabling Desktop Cube continued...

                              Is there any way to stop the kernel updates from happening automatically? You know where, one can get the kernel updates when he feels like it? At least then I can predict when & how often I have to do the install of the NVIDIA driver.
                              System<br />HP Pavilion 061 with dual boot,&nbsp; Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 &amp; Windows XP Professional SP3<br />model#: PU061AV<br />X-86 based PC<br />AMD Athlon 64 processor 3200+1.79GHz<br />2 GB of RAM<br />Video:NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 (dedicated)<br />hard drive: Maxtor 6Y080M0, 60GB

