Which program should I use to make a NTFS partion on a disk? I tried KDE Partition Manager, but it doesn't give the option for a NTFS (it let me chose from a list with ext3, ext4, reiserFS, fat16, fat32, etc., etc. no NTFS).
I saw that the partition manager from the repositories is a beta version, so I downloaded the deb package from partitionmanager.org... but i couldn't install it because Kpackagekit fails (but it doesn't say why)... with dkpg I discover that it has dependencies... kpackagekit doesn't handle dependencies??
Well, anyway, is there any simple way to do the job? How can create a NTFS partition on Kubuntu?
I saw that the partition manager from the repositories is a beta version, so I downloaded the deb package from partitionmanager.org... but i couldn't install it because Kpackagekit fails (but it doesn't say why)... with dkpg I discover that it has dependencies... kpackagekit doesn't handle dependencies??
Well, anyway, is there any simple way to do the job? How can create a NTFS partition on Kubuntu?