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How to install VirtualBox 3.0.4 Guest Additions in Kubuntu 9.04 guest

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    How to install VirtualBox 3.0.4 Guest Additions in Kubuntu 9.04 guest

    Once you've first installed Kubuntu 9.04 as a guest running a Virtual Machine, here are the actual proven steps you need to perform to successfully install VirtualBox 3.0.4 Guest Additions in Kubuntu 9.04 guest running in a VM:

    Once you have installed Kubuntu 9.04 be sure to “check and install” updates
    click K (Start) button >> Applications >> System >> Software Management
    Accept and install all updates.

    Now be sure to restart Kubuntu...

    Then you will need to run Terminal and set your default root password:
    sudo passwd root

    Then you will need to login as root in Terminal

    su root

    and perform the following commands to update Kubuntu's database

    sudo aptitude update

    sudo aptitude full-upgrade

    Now be sure to restart Kubuntu...

    Finally, login as root in Terminal to install VirtualBox 3.0.4 Guest Additions

    cd /media/cdrom


    You're done!

    See the results below...
    mypc@mypc-laptop:~$ su root
    root@mypc-laptop:/home/mypc# cd /media/cdrom
    root@mypc-laptop:/media/cdrom# ./
    Verifying archive integrity... All good.
    Uncompressing VirtualBox 3.0.4 Guest Additions for Linux installation...
    VirtualBox 3.0.4 Guest Additions installation
    Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel module...
    Building the shared folder support kernel module...
    Building the drm support kernel module...
    Installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions...

    Successfully installed the VirtualBox Guest Additions.
    You must restart your guest system in order to complete the installation.

    If you have any questions, you can also reach me at