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How do I get rid of this "wine" folder??!

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    How do I get rid of this "wine" folder??!

    Okay folks! I installed "wine" when I first upgraded to "Jaunty", but it seems I had it in the "lost and Found" directory'?' as well. When I had to modify my install, I thought it would have gone, and I could do a clean install (of wine) but no, It's still there, and even though I have tried "purging" it, it's still there, in my menu and as far as I know, on my hard drive!! How do I get rid? And how do I get a proper install of wine for Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04?? Help!!!

    Re: How do I get rid of this "wine" folder??!

    how did you install wine the first time?

    to get
    how do I get a proper install of wine for Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04??
    a PROPER install use your package manager...Kickoff> system setings >add and remove software.

    or with synaptic if you'v installed that.

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: How do I get rid of this "wine" folder??!

      if the wine folder you are refering to is /home/<username>/.wine
      then the simple answer is that you can't remove it because that is where wine stores its info ,along with any windows programs you install.

      the best way to install wine is as vinnywright says by using your package manager.
      if you need a more current version of wine then what is offered in the repo, please see wine's ppa how to ,but be warned the packages in the wine ppa are the current beta version(s).

      also depending on what you need wine for winetricks can be very useful more info on that can be found here

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        Re: How do I get rid of this &quot;wine&quot; folder??!

        When you say, "It's still there," I'm not quite sure what you mean.
        If you are talking about an errant menu item that is still there after you have removed the package, you can remove it using the menu editor. Left click on the "kicker", choose menu editor, and proceed. One problem is that it can be a challenge to find things in the menu editor, so you may have to search the whole menu tree to find it.

        If you think wine is still on your system after having done a purge, then try
        locate libwine
        If anything comes up, your purge was not successful.

        sudo apt-get remove --purge wine
        should clean it out, if you installed it with a package manager.

        As was pointed out, if your ~/.wine directory is still there, that is where the data files are stored. If you have removed the program, and you really want it completely off your system, then
        rm -r /home/yourusername/.wine
        should take care of it, but be aware that this will remove any files and setup information that you may have loaded or downloaded with wine itself.

        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

