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phonon, alsa and softvol

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    phonon, alsa and softvol

    Actually I don't really know whether this is a problem of phonon but nevertheless - maybe I can get some pointers wherelse to look...

    Thing goes as follows:
    I'm using a M-Audio 24/96 soundcard which I control with envy24control. Secondly I created a sovtvol device, due to the cards 'sophisticated' controls and in principle it works as descibed in the alsa wiki. Meaning with kmix I can access the Master and control the volume.
    However, what doesn't work - anymore, since the sofvol creation - is playback from several sources. For example I'm watching some video with xine, pause the playback and trying to watch a video on youtube (with opera). Same problem when I have been watching a video on youtube and from another website play a mp3 which excecutes amarok (Amarok says sound device not working).
    Long story short I can only playback audio from a single source if no other audio software is active. If so I have to close all instances and reopen the one I'm intending to use.

    If anyone have any ideas...?
    Thanks in advance!

    my .asoundrc:
    pcm.!default {
      type       plug
      slave.pcm    "softvol"
    pcm.softvol {
      type      softvol
      slave {
        pcm     "front"
      control {
        name    "Master"
        card    0

    Re: phonon, alsa and softvol

    I can't help you specifically, but I had a problem like that and this page solved it: I used that asound.conf and then everything worked. I've got another (perhaps similar) problem now - but that's another story.

