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Kubuntu Partition is Dead. Need To Repair.

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    Kubuntu Partition is Dead. Need To Repair.

    A couple days ago, I was surfing the web, upgrading Kubuntu, installing Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, Kaffeine and a video editor. I go to restart my computer and KDE boots, but gets to the progress bar for loading the desktop and spits out an error regarding a file called ICE...something(I forget the rest of the name), saying that it cannot write to the file.

    So, I try Safe Mode to see if I can't find this file, whose first three letters are ICE, and get an unusable command prompt, instead of anything useful or even the screen that told me that this file is unwritable. So, I reboot and try a pre-update/install kubuntu and get the same useless faux-prompt. I go back to the default(latest) one on Grub's list and get the same stinkin prompt.

    How do I fix this? Do I need an install disc that can repair it? How do I burn one(I can't find the one I used for the initial install)?

    I am currently running the Ubuntu partition and can access most files on the Kubuntu partition.

    My computer is an HP Pavilion dv4308 with a gig of ram and a 500 G HDD. It has a 1.6GHz processor with an Intel chipset
    If you think that by threatening me you can get me to do what you want... Well, that's where you're right. But - and I am only saying that because I care - there's a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.

    Re: Kubuntu Partition is Dead. Need To Repair.

    :0 *snerk* Okay. . . So the prompt isn't useless after all. I just click with the mouse anywhere on the screen and the prompt comes alive. . . So, now that I have a CP, what do I do?
    If you think that by threatening me you can get me to do what you want... Well, that's where you're right. But - and I am only saying that because I care - there's a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.


      Re: Kubuntu Partition is Dead. Need To Repair.

      Originally posted by Taitano
      :0 *snerk* Okay. . . So the prompt isn't useless after all. I just click with the mouse anywhere on the screen and the prompt comes alive. . . So, now that I have a CP, what do I do?
      At the prompt, type:

      sudo chown <username> ~/.ICEauthority

      where <username> should be substituted for your login name.
      Then try rebooting again.


        Re: Kubuntu Partition is Dead. Need To Repair.

        Originally posted by bamyasi

        sudo chown <username> ~/.ICEauthority
        You might need to do the same thing to ~/.Xauthority

        sudo chown <username> .Xauthority

        at the ~/user prompt.


          Re: Kubuntu Partition is Dead. Need To Repair.

          Thanks guys, it worked.

          You forgot to mention the need to enter "startkde" though.

          I restarted several times and got that same CP. Finally, following another forum regarding .ICEauthority, I typed "startkde" and it came up just fine. When I closed the console in KDE, it logged me out to the login screen and I chose the KDE session and, HEY PRESTO! Here it is! 8)

          Again, thanks!
          If you think that by threatening me you can get me to do what you want... Well, that&#39;s where you&#39;re right. But - and I am only saying that because I care - there&#39;s a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.

