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Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

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    Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

    I'm using Kubuntu Jaunty. I have KDE 4.3 from the Kubuntu PPAs. My problem is that sometimes, not all the time, when I close Firefox 3.5 (or rather Shiretoko), it doesn't close properly. All the windows are closed, but the process remains. When I try to open FF 3.5 again, it tells me that a Firefox process is still running, but not responding, and that I have to kill it before I can open FF again.

    It happened in the first couple KDE 4.3 betas, but with Firefox 3.0. It seemed to be fixed in KDE 4.3 Beta 2 or Beta 3. But when I installed Firefox 3.5, and KDE 4.3 RC1 or RC2 came along, it started happening again. This time with the new Firefox. I have no idea why.

    Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

    It might be one of your extensions doing this.
    You can test that by renaming your ~/.mozilla directory to something else (such as .mozilla-backup) and then start firefox/shiretoko. This will create an essentially new installation, and see if you still have the problem. If not, it's probably an extension.

    On the other hand I have the same problem in karmic, and the above procedure does not solve it. So it is not an extension in this case, and might not be in yours.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

      Did a
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get dist-upgrade earlier today and my FireFox now closes without leaving a zombie process.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

        Originally posted by doctordruidphd
        It might be one of your extensions doing this.
        You can test that by renaming your ~/.mozilla directory to something else (such as .mozilla-backup) and then start firefox/shiretoko. This will create an essentially new installation, and see if you still have the problem. If not, it's probably an extension.

        On the other hand I have the same problem in karmic, and the above procedure does not solve it. So it is not an extension in this case, and might not be in yours.
        I just tried, and the firefox-3.5 process still remains after the program should have closed.

        As for the apt-get suggestion, apt, as well as KPackageKit, aren't showing any updates. Not even blocked updates. So that won't help.


          Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

          I updated to KDE 4.3.1, and the firefox-3.5 process still sometimes hangs.

          Is there any solution to this? Renaming the .mozilla folder didn't help.


            Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

            I have the same problem, only it never close properly. I always have to do a $killall -9 firefox


              Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

              This happens to me too. Googling wildly about the net one finds:
              1) rm .parentlock from ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxx.default allows you to restart. You can even do this while ff is running and it will quit ok and restart ok.
              2) killall firefox
              3) run firefox in terminal and after quitting <ctrl-c> will allow a new session to start

              but none of these is a solution, they are only workarounds. Removing .mozilla, addons or extensions does not seem to help, nor does changing permissions within .mozilla. This used to be an intermittant problem, but now it happens every time I exit firefox.

              btw,firefox 3.0.14, jaunty, ppas for KDE4.3.1, but this bug does not seem distribution or firefox version specific.

              Anyone have an actual solution? Until then, workaround three has the lowest PITA factor for me.



                Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

                Or you can simply bind "kdesudo killall -9 firefox" to a shortcut key to kill off firefox that way. I'm not using firefox though due to font rendering issues.


                  Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

                  This is not just a kubuntu problem and is *seems* to be related to the kde theme integration (gtk-qt-engine). Two solutions I can suggest:

                  1. Uninstall gtk-qt integration (and put up with ugliness)
                  2. Go to System settings -> Appearance -> GTK Styles and Fonts and, instead of using "my KDE style in GTK applications", change to "Use another style" and pick one that integrates best.

                  logout and back in again after making this change to make sure it is applied.

                  The latter is the best solution IMHO but does require a per-user fix.


                    Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

                    Originally posted by andre_orwell
                    This is not just a kubuntu problem and is *seems* to be related to the kde theme integration (gtk-qt-engine). Two solutions I can suggest:

                    1. Uninstall gtk-qt integration (and put up with ugliness)
                    2. Go to System settings -> Appearance -> GTK Styles and Fonts and, instead of using "my KDE style in GTK applications", change to "Use another style" and pick one that integrates best.

                    logout and back in again after making this change to make sure it is applied.

                    The latter is the best solution IMHO but does require a per-user fix.
                    Any hope of this being fixed anytime soon? Like before Karmic? (Though given that Karmic is a month away, I doubt that.)


                      Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

                      Originally posted by andre_orwell
                      This is not just a kubuntu problem and is *seems* to be related to the kde theme integration (gtk-qt-engine). Two solutions I can suggest:

                      1. Uninstall gtk-qt integration (and put up with ugliness)
                      2. Go to System settings -> Appearance -> GTK Styles and Fonts and, instead of using "my KDE style in GTK applications", change to "Use another style" and pick one that integrates best.

                      logout and back in again after making this change to make sure it is applied.

                      The latter is the best solution IMHO but does require a per-user fix.
                      Thank you sooooo much. This has really been bugging me. I changed to Qt-curve and all is well with quitting and restarting!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, it doesn't look any different to me this way rather than the "my KDE style in GTK applications", but I don't customize the themes in KDE...
                      Best Regards.


                        Re: Firefox 3.5 doesn't always close properly in KDE 4.3

                        Well I'm using QtCurve now, but I don't think it's really that close to the default Oxygen theme of KDE 4.3. I tried upgrading to QtCurve 0.68.0 (from the Karmic repos) and Firefox didn't seem to like the newer version (it just used the super-ugly GTK default). I also tried installing a user-made Oxygen look-alike for GTK, but Firefox apparently doesn't like that one, either.

                        My issue with QtCurve is that the fonts and icons in the Firefox menus are too big. My Bookmarks menu especially takes up a lot more space. Hopefully this mess is fixed in Karmic, and I suppose I can hold off until then. QtCurve isn't nearly as ugly as the GTK default, but it's not as pretty as Oxygen.

