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[SOLVED] Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

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    [SOLVED] Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

    Here we go again! I got help installing the latest Nvidia driver for Hardy, but now I have a brand new install of Jaunty 9.04, running KDE 4.2.2. Trouble is, I am bogged down with suggestions from all over the place, but I hope I can get some help here again. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate your input................................

    Re: Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

    Okay, whilst waiting for responses to this post, I followed dibl's suggestion here ->>

    I replaced the stated driver version with the latest, followed the instructions, all seemed to go nicely until I re-started kdm. It wouldn't take me to the login screen, so I had to re-boot, but all I got was back to the console login!!?? I elected to boot from the 9.04 live cd and reverted to my old basic xorg.conf file and here I am! What now? Anyone? dibl?.......


      Re: Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

      Huh -- I dunno!

      I guess with the 6200 you are using 185.18.36? Make sure you downloaded the right package for your architecture. -1 for 32-bit, -2 for 64-bit.

      Then, you need to remove --purge any nvidia-glx packages, and you need to make sure you have installed the build-essential and linux-headers packages for your kernel.

      Don't forget to shut down X before you run the installer -- it should fail if kdm is running.

      If you want be brave, download the new 190.18.03 Beta driver (since your system is broke anyway ).

      Did you see any errors?

      If not, I'm scratching my head.


        Re: Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

        Followed your instructions to the letter dibl, but after the last command line before #1, I get "E: Couldn't find package uname -r"

        I don't want to continue if this hasn't worked. Sorry to be a pain, but I'm getting hacked off with it again!! >


          Re: Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

          Originally posted by jakeyboy

          I get "E: Couldn't find package uname -r"
          There's the problem. You should have entered the command this way:

          sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
          Those little marks around "uname -r" are not a single quote mark -- they are the character below the tilde "~" on your keyboard.

          Give it one more try, if you will. Then if it doesn't work, you can use your hammer on it.


            Re: Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

            Yup!! That did it!! Thanks again dibl, those little marks round "uname -r" are elsewhere on my keyboard, but once I found that, everything went like clockwork. Driver loaded, everything ticketyboo now!! Thanks again!


              Re: Is there a usable Nvidia driver for the GeForce 6200 on Jaunty?

              Originally posted by jakeyboy
              Yup!! That did it!! Thanks again dibl, those little marks round "uname -r" are elsewhere on my keyboard, but once I found that, everything went like clockwork. Driver loaded, everything ticketyboo now!! Thanks again!
              I'll send you my bill.

              Good job -- it is not the world's most straightforward maneuver, that's for sure.

