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The "Leave" menu on Kickoff does not work -- KDE 4.3

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    The "Leave" menu on Kickoff does not work -- KDE 4.3

    I'm using Kubuntu 9.04 and have upgraded to kde 4.3. The only problem that I'm having (happens on all three of my machines) is that the "Leave" menu does not work. I can't logout, shutdown, or reboot. Sleep works fine, but I use the power plasmoid for that.
    The only way I can figure out how to reboot or shutdown is via the command line with something like sudo halt/reboot/init 0/init 6/etc. If I try one of the options from Kickoff, nothing happens. It's really frustrating because all of the command line options require my password, which is a pain when I need to shutdown quickly.

    Here's what I would like: some way to fix Kickoff. This would be really great. If that's not possible, are there reboot and shutdown commands that don't require root authorization? Is there a command to logout of an entire KDE session?


    Re: The "Leave" menu on Kickoff does not work -- KDE 4.3

    this issue has been discussed here option is to switch to gdm but that has its own set of issues as well. hope u find something.


      Re: The "Leave" menu on Kickoff does not work -- KDE 4.3

      Have you tried switching to the classic menu? Or removing Kickoff and re-adding it?

