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Program list

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    Program list

    Apple has a site were you can browse for free mac downloads does linux have something like that i would love a chess program or a iphone sync program or linux itunes store (or something similar i know it was like torture for apple to make a pc version Steve Jobs would drop dead before a linux version comes out and all of the newspapers in the world saying he is just won't cut it )

    Re: Program list

    There are a few chess programs in the repositories. They are essentially the Apple list you mention. You don't browse them on the web however, with Linux you use the Package Manager already installed on your PC. The default with Kubuntu is KPackageKit but it is unstable. Much better is Synaptic.
    If you haven't yet installed Synaptic, I suggest you get it.
    sudo apt-get install synaptic

    Otherwise, if you want to risk it, just open KPackageKit in 'Application > System' and type 'chess'. It will browse the list for you. Just install from there. Be warned however that KPK is pretty unstable. Synaptic isn't quite as attractive but does the same job and does it well.

    As for iphone sync, sorry I can't help you.


      Re: Program list

      if you get synaptic like SCBrazil sugjests and type just ipo in the sertch bar a LOT of stuff comes up for Iphons and ipod's ...........and of corse other stuff as well.

      and some of it mentiond syncing

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Re: Program list

        The AmazonMP3 "Store" has a linux app for downloading purchased music... it's no iTunes Music Store, but I have found it reasonable.

        But perhaps I misunderstood exactly what you were asking...

