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System Monitor Plasma Widget Problems

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    System Monitor Plasma Widget Problems

    I am running Kubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.3 and everything is running great right now. The only problem I am having is with the System Monitor Plasma Theme.

    I have only CPU and Harddrive selected and it works fine. THe problem is every time I restart the computer 2 additional System Monitors start automatically. 1 for CPU and 1 for Harddrive. Even If I close them and the normal one that I want, the 2 additional System Monitors still pop up.

    I checked in Autostart and the only thing there is eee-control, nothing about plasmas. Anyone have any idea how to disable this widget.



    Re: System Monitor Plasma Widget Problems

    Anyone have an idea on this? It's driving me nuts. Now there are 2 of each that opens every time I restart. Maybe uninstalling the widget? How can I do that?


      Re: System Monitor Plasma Widget Problems

      To help figure this out I would remove each widget (right-click desktop, choose Add Widgets, and then remove the System Monitor widgets you have added). Then Log Out (to exit Plasma and save your settings). Log back in and let us know what happens.

      I think it's either a messed up plasma configuration or some sort of Session Management problem.


        Re: System Monitor Plasma Widget Problems

        I have the same problem, I close unnecessary standalone system monitor widgets, logout, login, and the same widgets are back. Only those open in complex System Monitor reopen also as standalone (so it changes from boot to boot). Happens on two of my computers.

