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Help with system settings please!!!

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    Help with system settings please!!!

    Hey guys, after crashing my Kubuntu 8 I went ahead and reinstalled the latest version. I'm going to force myself to lean this new interface but I have a few issues right off the bat. First, my internet connection is soooooooo slow. When I go into the System Settings and try to check out and change my NIC settings I cant do anything. My NIC doesn't show up in the list and I cant seem to find the admin mode anywhere. I tried just letting the initial updates run but after 4 hours it was at 3% and I know it's doing something because as I watched it I saw it move from 3% to 4%. I know it may just be that I don't know how to get to it in this K4 but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks/


    Re: Help with system settings please!!!

    hay dbpbandit (Dave)

    how is your net when browsing it sloooooow to?

    ar you hard wired or wireless?

    try the upgrad's in a terminal to see more info!

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    youll get a better idea of what it's doing that way.

    PS: nice avatar

    O and the default package manager in 9.04 Kpackagekit is ......well.....a little broken.
    do yourself a faver and get synaptic.

    sudo apt-get install synaptic
    IT works just great.

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: Help with system settings please!!!

      Yes, internet brows is very slow also, worked fine with Kubuntu8 but this is horrible. I am wired (desktop system) and the upgrades are soo slow that I need to fix the problem before I can continue. I also noticed in the add remove programs that there are no programs listed (except for the updates) and you cant put anything in the search field. I will try and get synaptic like you suggested.. Thanks.



        Re: Help with system settings please!!!

        "Slow Internet" is pretty generic -- you need to start troubleshooting to narrow down to something we can look at.

        For example, do you have another OS on that computer, that runs fast? Or, if it is only Kubuntu, can you boot your Live CD and try browsing with that? How is the speed from the Live CD?

        If it was only a browser, I'd say turn off IPv6 and try it. But you say updates come down very slow too. Hmmmm, what is your connection? Are you sure it is running OK? Depending on where you are located, do you have an Internet "speed test" capability, like this one:


          Re: Help with system settings please!!!

          What country is referenced in your source.list? It's *possible* that changing to another country location might help?
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Help with system settings please!!!

            OK as far as trouble shooting, I know everything works on this PC. I have duel boot and if I boot to winxp it works fine. From information I have gathered it seems that IPv6 could be the problem as I am also losing my network connection during downloads. However, bigger problem seems to be why can i NOT edit or change my network settings? Can someone help or point me to a "how to"? I can see where i should be able to change them but in the System Settings there is no option to use administrator mode so I cant see my NIC and or make any changes. Is there a better app I can apt-get that will manage my NIC better? This is frustrating... Thanks for the help...



              Re: Help with system settings please!!!

              Ya know what - I think I have had it with this OS.... Now I cant even make my duel screens work correctly. I gave it a fair shot but just seems to flaky and troublesome, plus when you google information you get conflicting information. I mean come on, I cant even change my IP address and the DHCP setup is using an IP that's already in use. Now I am getting IP conflicts on another system on the network... I may just go back to Kubuntu 8 or just run Debian on this like do on my laptop. IF I can get my duel screens to work on that... Frustrating and disappointing....



                Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                Originally posted by dbpbandit

                the DHCP setup is using an IP that's already in use.
                Now there's a problem! It's a wonder it connects at all, with that going on.

                But, that is a problem with your DHCP server, right? Are you going to dump Kubuntu because it's getting a bad IP address from the DHCP server?


                  Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                  No, it's not the DHCP server because my DHCP Server is only allowing 10 IP addresses, "120-130" and the IP address that it grabbed isn't even in that range (***.***.***.17) Plus I have a lot of systems on my network and that has never happened so I have to assume it's an issue with the Kubuntu system. Just seems like a lot to have to go through to get a system working. If it weren't for the duel screen issue I would have just used Debian but that's looking to be a lot harder to set up than it was in Kubuntu 8. Maybe I'll just start over with Kubuntu 8 since that worked really well, with a few exceptions. I don't know, I want to go Linux but sometimes it just gets to me....



                    Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                    That is odd. I use a broadband router as a DHCP server -- it has only 3 computers connected. But I have never had Kubuntu (or any other Linux) get a bad IP number -- they always get a good number automatically. I wonder if there's something "wrong" with your Kubuntu installation -- a defective CD or something like that. Did you try it as a Live CD? It should work the same if you boot a Live CD -- it should grab a correct IP address and "just work" for internet connection.


                      Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                      When I boot to the live CD I get the same problem and it picks the same IP address, .17 - It also sucks because I cant change the other device using that IP address because that would be more trouble than it's worth. Also, when I look at my network interfaces file it isnt listing eth0, it just says:

                      auto lo
                      iface lo inet loopback

                      and nothing else. I just downloaded the ISO from Kubuntu last night. Just doesn't make sense... I really don't want to go backwards but I'm about to. I guess it could have an issue with my NIC? Not sure why it worked fine in K8

                      what a PITA....



                        Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                        OK, NIC isn't the issue, put a new one in and get the same problem, no way to configure it. Even when I manually configure it it wont use the assigned IP address. Maybe it is the iso? I'll download a new one and see it it works next week..... What a bummer......



                          Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                          Check the md5sum on the downloaded ISO, before you burn it. Burn at 4X speed.


                            Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                            If you have a live CD for puppy, you can do md5sum on the CD you already burned instead of just burning and hoping. Puppy lets you load into ram, then remove the CD from the CDrom and thus you can md5sum an existing CD.

                            Yeah, that sounds like a bad burn to me. Hard to tell.

                            This md5sum on the downloaded iso, then on the CD before installing is install 101.

                            I don't remember puppy, but on a regular Linux installation, one types at a terminal

                            md5sum /dev/cdrom <enter>


                              Re: Help with system settings please!!!

                              dbpbandit: my network interfaces file it isnt listing eth0, it just says:

                              auto lo
                              iface lo inet loopback
                              That's what it is supposed to say. 9.04 does it differently. I don't have an answer for your problem but I just thought I'd point that out.

                              I just found out about the new setup when I tried to setup a static address on a 9.04 machine. I believe the interfaces file is written by some network manager. The solution for me was to remove the "network-manager" and "network-manager-kde" and then I was in control again. I would never have figured this out if it wasn't for the very excellent howto that member detonate has posted here:

