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Konqueror : Re-enable "Open with" and "Save as" selections

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    Konqueror : Re-enable "Open with" and "Save as" selections

    I accidentally checked "Don't ask again" when presented with the "Open with" or "Save as" selections for downloading a file. Now every time I try to download something the "Open with" dialog pops up. How do I re-enable this dialog?

    What I've tried so far:
    - Deleting ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc
    - Deleting ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror

    It must be a user-based setting because if I set up a new user, they get the dialog!

    Re: Konqueror : Re-enable "Open with" and "Save as" selections

    Try ~/.kde/share/config/filetypesrc. There could be something like:
    [Notification Messages]
    That "askSaveapplication/gzipped-tar=true" => "Don't ask again" with the gzipped-tar files.

    Removing "askSaveapplication/gzipped-tar=true" and log-out and log-in => The Open with" and "Save as" selections are again there.

    Note !
    The KDE seems to load this to the memory. So log-out, log-in did the trick at here.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Konqueror : Re-enable "Open with" and "Save as" selections

      That's done it! Thanks Rog131!!


        Re: Konqueror : Re-enable "Open with" and "Save as" selections

        Actually, for konqueror, the file is ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc, and the entry is:
        or something like it. You may have to log out and back in before you see the entry in the file.

        You may also try doing this from the Konqueror menus, as described here:

        Also, please modify your initial post with "[SOLVED]" in front of the subject.
        Kubuntu 9.10 i386; Ubuntu 8.04 on Xen; Maemo 5

