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strange mouse probelm

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    strange mouse probelm

    The problem i have now is a strange one. when ever i start playing around with the battery settings my touchpad buttons stop working. i can move the curser around fine and the keyboard works but the touchpad buttons don't work!!! its real annoying. the only way to overcome it is to restart. the computer.

    Any suggestions?

    Re: strange mouse probelm

    I am not sure exactly what you mean by playing around, could you please elaborate? All in all, if you are playing with configure power related settings, you are interacting with there core components at a low level: ACPI, DBUS and HAL. It is not out of the question that in that process, one of these services is restarted and for some reason it is not recognizing your trackpad properly. Is the problem when configuring it or when using the widget?


      Re: strange mouse probelm

      thanks for your reply.
      it almost always happens when i'm using the widget on the main panel. say if i'm switching power profiles.

      i've now noticed it starting to happen while doing other tasks.

