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A comment, plus need advice on X crash.

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    A comment, plus need advice on X crash.

    I had not come to this forum for a long time. Other versions of Kubuntu only had minor problems, so I went to Justlinux as I have done since Dec. 1999. I have virtually no posts here, though I registered January 2007, but on Justlinux, I think it figures out to a posting every 4 days since Dec. 1999.

    I was actually happy with 6.10 on one e-machine and 7.04 on this laptop, but inability to use apt-get finally wore me down. That, and short cycles for most K/Ubuntu versions has me playing with CentOs, but that may or may not be a solution.

    When I installed 9.04, there were so many problems I knew I had to go back to Kubuntu experts for specialized help. I can tell you I felt nearly as upset as that guy everyone is flaming so badly because he says 9.04 is the worst ever. I, too, thought it was the worst ever.

    As upset as I was, with 9 or 10 serious problems, I am retired and my wife is gone away for a month or two, so I have time that man probably doesn't have.

    Also, I inadvertently allowed my ~/.evolution to be re-formatted, because I did not know it would be, which meant my e-mails and contact probably won't work on older versions, which also upset me pretty much, but almost literally forced me to struggle on.

    Now, after finding solutions to most, not all, my problems, I am beginning to feel as if it may be the best ever.

    I do agree the unexpected changes probably alienated a lot of experienced Kubuntu users who don't have time to dink around. For example, without extensive Google searching, how would I have known the missing ADD ICON TO PANEL function was moved from right clicking PANEL to right clicking the app listing on Kickoff? For many people, time is money and this sort of burden is a deal killer when a lot of such changes are made all at once.

    Also, like most people, once I have used something in a given manner for 5 or 10 years, I have resistance to changing. I have used Konqueror for file browser, and when Dolphin first came out, it was not at all a substitute for Konqueror. Konqueror is busted in 9.04 on my machine, which was almost the deal killer of Kalarm. Once someone pointed out Dolphin now has icon to split as Konqueror has always done, I decided to play with it, and learned that once one learns it, the latest version of Dolphin is probably much better than Konqueror was. The only thing missing from 7.04 is not being able to see the creation date on jpg photos by hovering cursor, but someone even pointed out a simple way to get around that. I did a quick fix with terminal, but when I get time, may try to embed the solution in Dolphin's menu as he suggested but only for my choice of meta-data. And, perhaps 4.3 will have the hover again?

    I do sincerely believe you need to avoid bashing angry people who come here. They are having a bad enough experience anyway, and calling them names and insulting them means they are going to have a vendetta against K/Ubuntu, which is counter-productive. If someone offends you by criticizing your beloved distro, hit BACK and let calmer heads deal with them. It might even be possible for a calm person to help them, but the minute you call them a troll and/or other names, with insults tossed on for good measure, they are your enemy forever. Been there; done that. My general experience is those who use the word troll on another person are almost always trolls themselves. And, in the case of the angry man, there was no evidence at all he was anything but a burned-out angry man who had a really bad experience with 9.04 and so did his associates.


    Okay, stopping here and will open a new posting as requested.

    Re: A comment, plus need advice on X crash.

    I think it is more productive if you post the comment and the request for help separately. What is the problem exactly? Could you rephrase this, please? Is your issue with the Folder View widget? (the one that defaults to show the ~/Desktop folder)


      Re: A comment, plus need advice on X crash.

      Okay, I am moving the problem to a new posting at your request. Thanks for tip.

