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[[SOLVED]] JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, HOWTO

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    [[SOLVED]] JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, HOWTO

    I take pictures here in Mexico, which I send to family members who work in the US. In one case the family in the US had not seen a family picture in 18 years.

    In another, three brothers in the Madison area had never seen a picture of their 15 year old brother because they have been gone 15 years.

    So, I do take a lot of pictures, though since I am not a professional I should say tolerable snapshots.

    Part of my picture processing means it is very handy if I can look at Creation data. Date picture taken; camera information, pixel dimensions.

    On Kubuntu 7.04 all I had to do is hover over the jpg file in Konqueror, and a pop up display gave me that information.

    Though I use Konqueror as a file browser (for several reasons, split screen is the big one) Dolphin does the same thing. That display of data simply does not happen.

    At this time I know of no way to access that information in 9.04, unless I start processing them in digikam, which just asked me to click if I wanted that stuff displayed.

    The problem is, I normally crop and resize with mogrify, and I don't think I can do that in Digikam.

    I am multi-boot and store stuff in a FAT partition, which means I can import in Digikam, then re-boot to 7.04 to process if I must. But, as you can see, that is rather tacky. I really doubt I can mix Konsole and Digikam. Maybe?

    Any suggestions how to get that Creation information displayed in Konqueror (or Dolphin if I must, but I'd rather not.)?

    Re: JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, don't know how


    A few things:

    * Dolphin has a split view (I have an icon to split it, in KDE 4.3, but it may be there in 4.2.*)
    * Dolphin -> Settings -> General -> Previews-> Jpeg (have you tried that?)
    * Dolphin can attach a terminal, I think it is in View -> Panels, just look in the menues
    * Digikam can do crop and resizing, make sure you install the kipi plugins

    Hope this helps


      Re: JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, don't know how

      Earlier > Topic: Still no meta info in Dolphin/Konqueror?

      If you don't want to wait (KDE 4.3.X or maybe KDE 4.4 ), here is an example how to get the exif/metadata with the service menus > Exif information context menu.
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, don't know how

        Originally posted by lmilano

        A few things:

        * Dolphin has a split view (I have an icon to split it, in KDE 4.3, but it may be there in 4.2.*)
        * Dolphin -> Settings -> General -> Previews-> Jpeg (have you tried that?)
        * Dolphin can attach a terminal, I think it is in View -> Panels, just look in the menues
        * Digikam can do crop and resizing, make sure you install the kipi plugins

        Hope this helps
        Why, yes, thanks, it did help a lot. One problem left, and I will follow the next posting after answering here.

        By the way, I found no JPEG on my Dolphin settings, I have not updated to 4.3 yet, somewhat hesitant because the upgrade has been negative for a number of posters.

        When Dolphin replaced Konqueror, IMO it was so bad I simply defaulted to Konqueror and paid no more attention to it, and failure to split screen was the most important problem.

        Based on your comments, I examined Dolphin again. Yes, it has split screen, with an always on icon at the top.

        Further, I learned that there is a View/Preview button which lets me see the thumbnails, which was another sore point with me. This is good, because loading thumbnails on all files all the time slows down the system considerably.

        And, VIEW, Panels allows me to open the terminal below. If I close and re-open, it is still there, I have to see what happens with a reboot.

        All of these things eliminate almost all problems I had with photos.

        The only one left is the absence of the creation data, and the poster after you gave me some research to do next to work on that problem.

        Thanks a million, er, a billion.


          Re: JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, don't know how

          Excellent, and please keep in mind that you can edit photos in Digikam with the Kipi plugins, so that gives you another way to browse pictures and edit on the fly


            Re: JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, don't know how

            Yes, I spotted that. I could also use GIMP, I suppose. However, once one has a bit of practice with a method, he tends to have resistance to change to another method, which means learning another application.

            Sorry about the delay, here is what I came up with, wanted to share it with you.

            sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl

            Dolphin With VIEW ==> PANELS ==> TERMINAL
            (Note this directory of the embedded terminal at the bottom of the window follows the file browser)

            See man exiftools, also man strtftime for %? formatting labels

            From Examples in man page:

            exiftool -d ’%r %a, %B %e, %Y’ -DateTimeOriginal -S -s *.jpg

            exiftool -a -u -g1 "%f" img_0503.jpg
            Mine, modified from large one, prints 170 lines for one
            photo, in my example img_0503.jpg. All you ever wanted
            to know about a jpg file, 170 times over

            exiftool -d ’%c’ -DateTimeOriginal *.jpg
            This supplies local date, time for all files

            exiftool -d ’%c’ -createdate *.jpg
            uses different line of meta data, but same

            exiftool -s -ImageSize -d '%c' -d ’%c’ -createdate *.jpg
            Produces a three line output for each jpg file in the directory, including Filename; Image size in pixels, and create date in local time format

            -s supplies Image Size, and -d supplies requested time/date format from strtftime function.

            This solves this question, if I can figure out how to mark it solved.


              Re: [[SOLVED]] JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, HOWTO

              That brings me to a total of 6 of 9 original problems solved, most of them on just this thread.

              For example, the crash of Konqueror when I open a terminal is going to be moot if I don't need to open Konqueror. I had not listed it yet.



                Re: [[SOLVED]] JPG photo creation information not displayed in file browsers, HOWTO

                When it comes to simple editing I like showfoto.
                Just going through a collection will work fine in gwenview.
                The fastest viewer is GQview.

                All three will display the Exif information.

