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[SOLVED] Workaround for Quanta in KDE 4.3?

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    Re: Workaround for Quanta in KDE 4.3?

    Originally posted by aged hippy
    Originally posted by GreyGeek
    Originally posted by aged hippy
    Edited to add:
    I've just realized that i'm in Mepis at the moment....
    I used to run MEPIS. It is an OK distro and it has an excellent help forum.

    I would ask why you would use a distro which favors KDE 3.5, and then habituate a forum for a distro which features KDE4, but I understand .... this IS a great forum!
    Just to add befuddlement to confusion , i've been using Mint 7 for about a fortnight.... it has a Gnome desktop (see my sig).

    I like - and prefer - this Forum, and its inhabitants. :P
    Your "befuddlement" also reveals another truth -- Linux IS Linux! 8)
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: [SOLVED] Workaround for Quanta in KDE 4.3?

      I won't 'quote' again...

      That's the wonder of Linux.... it's called choice.

      .... i've also got XP, but i don't usually admit to that. :P

      ... still in Mint.


        Re: [SOLVED] Workaround for Quanta in KDE 4.3?

        ... still in Mint.

        Mint is based in Ubuntu, as you probably know. Have you downloaded Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha4?

        I spent all day yesterday with it, running the 64bit LiveCD. For an Alpha4 it is EXTREMELY well done. In fact, I don't know what they could do to it that would make it better than it is now. (I tried everything I normally use in a distro and it all worked perfectly.) Only one thing would prevent me from adopting it -- future dependency on MONO.

        I predict that Ubuntu will give Win7 a run for it's money.

        I also tried Kubuntu 9.10 Alpha4. It was very good as well, but it had a couple glaring warts on my notebook -- the network manager, again, and a bug which prevents my KDE4.3 desktop from appearing IF I have an active Ethernet cable attached when I boot it up. Other than those two problems Karmic the rest of Karmic that I tested ran very well. The 3D graphic problems I had with my GM45 video chip on Jaunty disappeared on Karmic.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: [SOLVED] Workaround for Quanta in KDE 4.3?

          No, i'm happy with the Main Edition of Gloria, which - as you correctly note - uses Gnome.

          I've tried a couple of times to install the KDE Community Edition (which uses the KDE 4 desktop) but - not having a DVD burner i have to do it via NetBootin in the XP installation, but for some reason it has problems un-mounting the CD drive.
          I haven't tried the Fluxbox release.

          I used the Elyssa XFCE Community Edition which highly impressed me. 8)

          To be honest, if i'd stumbled across Mint instead of Kubuntu (Feisty), i would have stayed with it. :P


            Re: [SOLVED] Workaround for Quanta in KDE 4.3?

            Originally posted by aged hippy
            To be honest, if i'd stumbled across Mint instead of Kubuntu (Feisty), i would have stayed with it. :P
            No doubt about that! Mint Gold-plates an already highly polished distro!
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

