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Kexi - unknown interpreter 'python'

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    Kexi - unknown interpreter 'python'

    Unfortunately, I am not sure where during the upgrade process this broke, but within the last few months, maybe even going to 9.04, Kexi will no longer run python scripts. Which sucks for me, as my entire database in kexi depends on a SLEW of python scripts.

    Could someone help me out on this? The only way I can revert kexi is to install the KE3 version of kOffice, however, that version wants to remove almost all KDE4 applications! That definitely is not a good idea from what I can tell.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am stumped on this one.

    Re: Kexi - unknown interpreter 'python'

    Sorry if this is too basic an answer, but the first thing I'd check is that you have python installed.

    If you type 'python' at the command line, in a terminal, does the python interpreter load up? It should give you a message and show the prompt:


    (Hit ctrl-D to quit it)


      Re: Kexi - unknown interpreter 'python'

      Yes, it does.
      Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:58:18)
      [GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
      Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


        Re: Kexi - unknown interpreter 'python'

        Python Interpretter works, but Kexi still does not. Again, I have a feeling this is because Kexi depends on KDE 3, and KDE 4 is what is running at the moment. Unfortunately, I haven't a clue on how to prove that without loosing KDE 4. Does anyone know what packages start the KDe 3 bindings for python?


