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Black screen after changing user

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    Black screen after changing user

    This weekend, I added the members of my family as users. No problem, as long as I log off and someone else logs in, but when I try to change user (from the K-menu) I just get a totally black screen. Mouse pointer is gone and everything stays black... I must reboot the system.

    What can be wrong?

    Re: Black screen after changing user

    Hi, it could be the combination of login manager and graphics driver. What are you using? I assume KDM. How about graphics?


      Re: Black screen after changing user

      It's an ATI Sapphire HD 3870 with 512 Mb, PCIe


        Re: Black screen after changing user

        Are you using the open source or binary drivers? I am suing an ATI IGP with thje binary FGLRX and I can switch. But installing them in jaunty can be VERY tricky. I did have KDM issues with the nvidia drivers thought.

        Things to try:
        * disable desktop effects (if enabled) and try
        * install GDM and try

        In general though, I am not sure user switching is the best thing, I am afraid a user could lock the sound for the others, etc.


          Re: Black screen after changing user

          Originally posted by lmilano
          Are you using the open source or binary drivers? I am suing an ATI IGP with thje binary FGLRX and I can switch. But installing them in jaunty can be VERY tricky. I did have KDM issues with the nvidia drivers thought.

          Things to try:
          * disable desktop effects (if enabled) and try
          * install GDM and try

          In general though, I am not sure user switching is the best thing, I am afraid a user could lock the sound for the others, etc.
          Err... what's GDM?


            Re: Black screen after changing user

            Err, the same thing a google search shows at the top


              Re: Black screen after changing user

              I don't understand.. Why would I want to use the Gnome display manager when I run Kubuntu with KDE?


                Re: Black screen after changing user

                You don't have to. But you may want or need to, it's up to you. For instance, there is an old (never fixed) bug in the NVIDIA binary driver, affecting some cards, that makes you have a system crash on logout using KDM. GDM works in those systems.


                  Re: Black screen after changing user

                  OK, thanks, I will check that out.

