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Kmail, Yahoo Mail and YPops (SOLVED)

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    Kmail, Yahoo Mail and YPops (SOLVED)

    I have been trying to configure Kmail with my Yahoo account (for a couple of days now).

    From the info I garnered while googling, only YPops can both send and receive Yahoo mail that is not a pro account.

    None of the package managers I have list YPops, nor could I find a Linux download anywhere on the YPops site for (K)Ubuntu.

    The sites below offer install explanations using the terminal but I could not;

    a) modify my /etc/apt/sources.list file as Kate would not allow me to save.
    b) install YPops using the terminal commands (some of the commands use the words 'ubuntu' and 'gnome', so maybe that is why)

    I also did not really understand what the 'public key' he mentions is all about.

    If anyone could give me a few pointers as to how to install YPops or another idea as to how I can configure YPops with Yahoo, I'd be grateful.

    Here are the sites;

    And thanks for your time.

    Re: Kmail, Yahoo Mail and YPops

    I looked at the article, it seems reasonable, with enough detail to work.

    I would like to mention an easier alternative, IMO. doesn't allow free imap and pop3 access, but and and others do.
    I don't know if you are in Brazil or from Brazil, but if you can speak Portuguese you might try the site and get free access without the lengthy procedure described in the references.
    gmail and others are also free and allow you to use kmail or thunderbird to send and receive all of your mail.

    If you do want to go the more complicated way, you need to use
    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    replace nano with any other editor

    When you download any packages, the package manager verifies that they are from a trusted source, so they have a gpg key which you can use to verify the packages are from someone you trust.

    In KPackageKit, the third line is software settings, choose "edit software sources" then you can see Ubuntu and others and also authentication which is the gpg keys.
    HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


      Re: Kmail, Yahoo Mail and YPops

      Originally posted by SCBrazil
      The sites below offer install explanations using the terminal but I could not;

      a) modify my /etc/apt/sources.list file as Kate would not allow me to save.
      You did change the 'sudo' bit at the start of the command, didn't you? For Kubuntu 9.04 the command should be:

      kdesudo kate /ect/apt/sources.list

      If you use this, you should be able to save the file.

      b) install YPops using the terminal commands (some of the commands use the words 'ubuntu' and 'gnome', so maybe that is why)
      The ubuntu references don't matter and the only place I see gnome is in the dpkg-reconfigure line. I'd just try it.

      I also did not really understand what the 'public key' he mentions is all about.
      See kevinc's explanation. The wget line downloads a gpg-key in a file called 't_skariah.asc.gpg'. This is added to the collection by the next command.
      Actually, both commands on the ubuntugeek page are wrong (probably an old domain in the first and a bit left out in the second). You'd better use the ones from the ypops page:

      wget -O t_skariah.asc.gpg ''

      sudo apt-key add t_skariah.asc.gpg

      The rest should be simply a matter of entering the correct commands.

      Another alternative to all of this would be to use Mozilla's Thunderbird instead of KMail. The WebMail and WebMail/Yahoo add-ons work for me.


        Re: Kmail, Yahoo Mail and YPops (SOLVED)

        I made a typo in the first post, I meant and

        I also just remembered that a month or two ago I helped setup I think a account and although at that time the site said it was NOT ssl, when we tried to connect everything worked except for an error. I ignored the advice of the yahoo server and selected SSL, then it worked perfectly. Gmail and others have for some time been using SSL, while Yahoo and others have not. Probably they have changed to SSL and forgot to update their website giving instructions on how to set up free POP3 connections, after all, they are not getting any money from that, unlike who years ago charged twenty US dollars annually for it.
        HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M

