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[Solved] Where is Webkam installed?

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    [Solved] Where is Webkam installed?

    I installed the program Webkam from
    It installed fine, but after the installation, it is missing. It has no menu item, it also doesn't start from the Terminal. locate webkam says it found Webkam in /usr/bin, but when I give the command /usr/bin/webkam, it says it cannot find it.

    This is the output from the Terminal:

    heimen-at-kubuntu@heimen-at-compaq:~$ webkam     
    bash: webkam: opdracht niet gevonden
    heimen-at-kubuntu@heimen-at-compaq:~$ locate webkam
    heimen-at-kubuntu@heimen-at-compaq:~$ /usr/bin/webkam
    bash: /usr/bin/webkam: Bestand of map bestaat niet
    heimen-at-kubuntu@heimen-at-compaq:~$ /usr/share/applications/kde4/webkam.desktop
    bash: /usr/share/applications/kde4/webkam.desktop: Bestand of map bestaat niet
    So where is it installed and how to launch it?
    Most important laptop specs (this is my main computer, with Kubuntu on it):<br /><br />4096MB RAM (DDR2)<br />500GB Hard Disk<br />ATI Mobility Radeon 4570HD Videocard with 512MB GDDR3 RAM, up to 2280MB VRAM<br />Intel® Core™ 2 Duo-processor T6600<br /><br />OS: Kubuntu 10.10

    Re: Where is Webkam installed?

    For executables in the PATH you can use
    whereis appname

    Locate says webkam is in /usr/bin. Have you used Dolphin to browse /usr/bin and see if it is listed there? There is a script in cron to update the locate command (it runs updatedb) every so often. So, at one time, webkam was there. Did you inadvertently delete it, or have an interrupted install?

    BTW, "webkam" isn't list in the repository, so you must have downloaded the deb package from the webpage. It has 14 dependencies. Did they all install successfully?

    I installed it to check it out. It added a menu item in the "Utilities" menu, at the top. I ran it from the menu but, after a brief period of bouncing my mouse icon, and displaying a panel icon, it quit and went away. Retried it using a Konsole and got the followng msg:
    jerry@jerry-sonylaptop:~$ webkam
    /usr/bin/webkam: 5: ruby: not found
    However, Ruby 1.8 was specifically on of the 14 dependencies that was required and I saw it being installed. Using the Konsole again:
    jerry@jerry-sonylaptop:~$ whereis ruby
    ruby: /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/lib/ruby
    So, I made a link between ruby1.8 and "ruby" in /usr/bin. (The "ruby" in /usr/lib is the ruby library directory)
    I re-ran webkam and there was a long pause, then I got the following msg:
    root@jerry-sonylaptop:/usr/bin# webkam
    main.rb: cannot connect to X server
    I opened the *.deb package and looked at the code. "main.rb" calls "WebKam_app.rb" which attempts to use /dev/v4l. The coder is assuming that a link between a /dev/v4l device node and the /dev/video0 node (which actually links to the /dev/v4l directory) exists. It doesn't. I am not going to mess up my functioning video systems to debug any farther. Sorry.

    At this point you are faced with a connection problem related to webkam itself. The only thing left to do is uninstall it.

    sudo apt-get autoremove webkam

    will remove webkam and the dependencies it installed.

    If you have already removed webkam then

    sudo apt-get autoremove

    alone will remove the orphans left behind.

    Have you tried webcam? Or Cheese. Have you used Skype to see if it can display video from your webcam. A lot of webcams won't work with the standalone apps but WILL work with Skype and Ekiga.

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Where is Webkam installed?

      Thanks for trying

      Ok, then I'll remove Webkam.

      Yes, I tried Cheese. It works fantastic. I use it reguarly.
      The only reason I wanted to try Webkam was because it seemed like a good Qt-alternative to Cheese, so it integrates a bit better than Cheese plus Webkam doesn't have GTK-libraries as dependencies. But after all it looks like Cheese is still the best, as Webkam doesn't install properly.
      Most important laptop specs (this is my main computer, with Kubuntu on it):<br /><br />4096MB RAM (DDR2)<br />500GB Hard Disk<br />ATI Mobility Radeon 4570HD Videocard with 512MB GDDR3 RAM, up to 2280MB VRAM<br />Intel® Core™ 2 Duo-processor T6600<br /><br />OS: Kubuntu 10.10

