Re: Recommend Unrar program?
the terminal is realey easey
and you onley nead it for the one comand exampel.
use dolphin or Konqueror and make a folder lets name it /my_ book just take all the .rar's and move them to /my_ book now hit F4 and a console will open in /my_book (hiting F4 in dolphin or Konqueror opens a console in the curent DIR ((folder)) ......type
and you will see somthing like this (this is just to make shure wear working frome within the right folder)
now type (you just use the name of the first part in the multy part arcive)
and it will extract them all 
the terminal is realey easey

use dolphin or Konqueror and make a folder lets name it /my_ book just take all the .rar's and move them to /my_ book now hit F4 and a console will open in /my_book (hiting F4 in dolphin or Konqueror opens a console in the curent DIR ((folder)) ......type
vinny@Kubuntu:/media/disk/listen1$ ls
LISTEN1.part01.rar LISTEN1.part03.rar LISTEN1.part05.rar LISTEN1.part07.rar LISTEN1.part09.rar
LISTEN1.part02.rar LISTEN1.part04.rar LISTEN1.part06.rar LISTEN1.part08.rar
LISTEN1.part01.rar LISTEN1.part03.rar LISTEN1.part05.rar LISTEN1.part07.rar LISTEN1.part09.rar
LISTEN1.part02.rar LISTEN1.part04.rar LISTEN1.part06.rar LISTEN1.part08.rar
rar x LISTEN1.part01.rar

