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Language switching not possible

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    Language switching not possible

    Hi, me again.

    I am unable to switch through languages with Keyboard (Alt+Shift).
    How can I fix this? None of those shortcuts work even after reboot.

    Re: Language switching not possible

    I hope you defined at least two keabord layouts and set shortcut with System Settings - Regional&Language - Advanced - Keys to change layout.
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: Language switching not possible

      Sure, I have Sk and Us keyboard installed.
      I can switch languages by pressing the flag icon in system tray. But shortcut do not work.

      So I tried to edit xorg.conf manualy and I have this:
      Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
      Driver "kbd"
      Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
      Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
      Option "XkbLayout" "sk,us"
      Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

      Now I am able to switch languages, but US characters are weird.
      When I change to us keyboard, I have these characters when typing: "Ł€→¶Đ&`~¶~&ŧ€¶đ|→ŧ`↓𳀰{ø~¶Đ" (Weird characters with us keyboard)

      and the flag doesnt change


        Re: Language switching not possible

        I have no solution for you, maybe some other guys.

        Notes: I think you have something specially messed on your computer, because switching keyboards with shortcuts works fine. It's not something like network settings.
        Editing xorg.conf was a method which was used in Gutsy and Hardy. Now in Jaunty there is not a section for InputDevice in xorg.conf even if switching works, so obviously Jaunty uses other better way.
        I hope you don't use program kkbswitch, now it is not necessary to use it for switching and maybe even doesn't work correctly.
        Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


          Re: Language switching not possible

          I read now in other forum your thread "sound after install" and I found only at that time that you use Jaunty with Kde3. To both your problems - maybe it's time to switch to standard Jaunty with Kde4 - the problems will disappear.
          Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


            Re: Language switching not possible

            josefko, thanks for reply. I used jaunty with kde 4 but it seemed to me slow and sometimes unstable. I tried to solve it, but I gave up, so I tried kde3. I am more familiar with it

