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Delayed display of KDE dialog / form contents

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    Delayed display of KDE dialog / form contents

    Just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing delays with dialogs / forms - for example when editing form data (such as keyboard shortcut mappings) there is a significant delay between a click and the target form's contents being displayed, the form border (window decoration) appears immediately however the contents take a significant time to appear.

    I've not got a lot of disk I/O taking place so I'm not sure what could be causing the low responsiveness of form dialogs.

    Any ideas?

    (using KDE v4.2.96)

    Re: Delayed display of KDE dialog / form contents

    I'm not running the KDE 4.3 RC from Kubuntu, but I imagine Kubuntu's devs have compiled it with debugging symbols to make creating backtraces easier (this helps KDE developers a LOT when determining what crashed an application). The issue with debugging symbols is that they greatly increase the size of an application, which causes it to load and execute slower, and explains why you're IO load is so high; the stable version of 4.3 will be compiled without debugging symbols and should fix your problems.
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Delayed display of KDE dialog / form contents

      Thanks for reply, I'm not 100% convinced that's the reason - the I/O is a guess btw - there is a delay with several dialogs/forms that seemed to appear only recently since 4.2.95 but I'll update this thread post 4.3 install.

