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[Solved] Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

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    [Solved] Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

    Kubuntu v9.04 (32-bit)
    KDE v4.2.2
    Opera v9.64
    Flash v10,0,22,87

    Clean installation of Kubuntu Jaunty. Installed kubuntu-restricted-extras and flashplugin-installer. Java and flash now work correctly with the default Konqueror browser. Flash plugins located as follows:
    /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ -> /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin

    Opera 9.64 downloaded and installed from website and runs OK, including java, but flash is not working at all. Tried plugin paths of /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer and /usr/lib/firefox/plugins but flash remains inoperative although Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22 is listed as a detected plugin in the Opera preferences menu. (Tools, Preferences, Advanced, Content, Plug-in options)

    Any ideas please about how to get flash working in Opera.

    Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

    It's working great here in 64 bit, the native alpha flash.

    This is what I see if I type: "operalugins"

    Shockwave Flashapplication/futuresplash spl
    application/x-shockwave-flash swf
    I have no idea why it's not working there. I am using the same version (only 64 bit) of Opera. Did you download the version for Ubuntu 9.04?


      Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

      Opera 9.64 downloaded and installed from website

      at here: Static vs Dynamic (shared)

      > Ubuntu Community Documentation - OperaBrowser

      There are two basic types of installations, static and shared:

      Static version: Opera has the Qt library built in. It is a larger download, and it does not use anti aliased fonts on menus or the file chooser, and uses aliasing in the browser window and most other interface elements.

      Shared version: Opera uses the Qt installation on your system. It integrates with the system, using whatever anti aliasing setting you have for other Qt applications.

      Which is better? Probably the Shared version. Try the other one if you run into installation problems.

      The > is offering: opera-static_9.64.2480.gcc295.qt3_i386.deb, downloading and installing.

      The "aboutlugins" is showing the right information as is the Opera > Help > About Opera. Browsing to the > Adobe test page. The flash is not working.

      Same thing with the Youtube.

      Removing the static Opera and installing the Opera from the repositories /1/. Browsing to the > Adobe test page. The flash is working.

      As is the Youtube.

      => Here the static Opera 9.64 is not working with the flash.

      Maybe it is this (with the static Opera 9.64) > Flash is not working in Opera. "Not GTK2 toolkit (got 0)"


      The Opera 10 beta1 (opera_10.00.4402.gcc4.qt3_i386.deb) from the is working with the flash (tested with the Karmic).

      /1/ Opera from the Opera repositories > Ubuntu Community Documentation - OperaBrowser

      Shortly (my way )

      Pressing Alt + F2 and typing:
      kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d/addons.list
      man sources.list
      The /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory provides a way to add
      sources.list entries in seperate files that end with .list. The format
      is the same as for the regular sources.list file.
      Adding one line:
      deb [url][/url] stable non-free
      Save and exit.

      Adding Opera GPG key and updating application database (konsole):
      wget -q [url][/url] -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update
      After this:
      Package: opera
      Version: 9.64.2480.gcc4.qt3
      Package: opera-static
      Version: 9.64.2480.gcc4.qt3
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

        If Flash still doesn't work, you can always copy plugin file from Mozilla plugin directory to Opera plugin directory. It worked for me (I use latest beta).


          Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

          Originally posted by mfabry
          If Flash still doesn't work, you can always copy plugin file from Mozilla plugin directory to Opera plugin directory. It worked for me (I use latest beta).
          Nice idea, though a symbolic link would be better if you really need to do that (so you keep updated if you update flash)


            Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

            I've tried several versions of Opera (latest stable and beta) and all had problems with Flash. Copying that plugin was just desperate measure.


              Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

              cant u get opera of the partner's repository? mayb that has this 'bug' sorted out?


                Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

                I suggest you reinstall Opera but I don't think this really work, because when I reinstall kubuntu, all the problems I made with my softwares appear again!? But you should try.


                  Re: Flash works in Konqueror but not Opera

                  Thank you to all for the helpful advice.

                  My problem was that I had installed the static version of Opera. When I installed the shared version as suggested by Rog131 above, flash worked correctly.

                  So, thanks again for your assistance with this.

