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Bibble Pro 4.9 problem

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    Bibble Pro 4.9 problem

    Hi guys. Does anybody have Bibble 4.9 Pro?

    I installed it from repo and when I run it, it starts, I can navigate to my raw images folder, I can display some images but then the whole thing freezes (I notice only HDD working pretty much). Only way working is hard reset. Does anybody experience something similar?

    Is there a way how to end that application without hard reset?

    I have AMD 64 x2 4800+; 1GB RAM


    Re: Bibble Pro 4.9 problem

    I'm just now finishing an install of Kubutu 9.04 and will be installing Bibble Pro very shortly. I don't have a specific answer for why Bibble may be crashing but I'd be interested to know what graphics driver you are using on your system. To answer the other question, you can kill any running process using the "kill" command from a terminal. There are a couple of easy ways to find the process number Bibble is using. One is running "top" from the command line and noting the process or PID assigned to Bibble. Once you know the number type kill PID<whatever process number Bibble has>. Another way to find the process is to run the command ps -ef | grep Bibble. This should return any running process with the word bibble in the name. Again, once you have the process number or numbers, use the "kill" command to shut the process down. If you already know this, please accept my apology for stating the obvious. I'm interested to know your experience with Bibble under Kubuntu. Are you planning on testing the Bibble 5 Preview 2?
    Greg Zenitsky<br />Lee&#39;s Summit, MO


      Re: Bibble Pro 4.9 problem

      Hi gzenitsky,

      thanks for your reply. The problem is that I am not able to get anything working. Mouse moves but ignores all my clicks. Keyboard is ignored too. In such problems I was used to press Ctrl+Esc to see the list of processes, but here - useless.

      To your question - I didnt thing about testing Bibble 5, but maybe I will try it.

      How can I get info what graphics driver you are using on my system?


        Re: Bibble Pro 4.9 problem

        I installed Bibble 5 preview 2 but I am not able to get the unlock code for testing. I press the button and nothing happens, I can only close the app. Does it work for you?
        I installed deb package.

