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Encrypted DVD Playback

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    Encrypted DVD Playback

    New to Kubuntu. I was a big fan of Mandriva for a long time. Then I got a new (used) laptop and Mandriva 2009.1 just wasn't working right. Then I gave Kubuntu 9.04 a try and I am staying put. Very nice job. Fantastic.

    However, I am experiencing one sticky issue: encrypted DVD playback. I have one DVD from my huge library that will not play back. I have done all the installing of libdvdcss2 and such. It is only one DVD that remains encrypted. My DVD player will play it, just not my laptop (an HP nc8230).

    The DVD is "Porco Rosso" released by Disney. I have other Studio Ghibli /Disney films and they play. Films from Paramount play fine. Films from Warner Brothers play fine. Just not this _one_.

    My player of choice is VLC. The DVD navigation works great. I can even view the trailers. Audio is fine. But when the main video is played, the image is corrupted and the audio is fine. Dragon and other players just fail utterly and complain about it being encrypted.

    I tried various settings in the VLC rc file to select key, disk, or... whatever the third option was, and none of that helped. I made sure the DVD drive was programmed to my region (1), too.

    Any ideas?

    Re: Encrypted DVD Playback

    Try XBMC for a second opinion. I think they bundle their own decoder. Also, if you have the ability, try a different DVD drive.


      Re: Encrypted DVD Playback

      Originally posted by Rob_H
      Try XBMC for a second opinion. I think they bundle their own decoder. Also, if you have the ability, try a different DVD drive.
      MPlayer complains "MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_video" .

      gxine complains: "Media stream scrambled/encrypted".

      Nope. XBMC (wow, that is slick!) won't play it either. The disk plays fine in a regular DVD player. The disk also plays fine under VLC 0.9.8a on my Mandriva 2009.0 desktop system. It has a GDR8163B DVD-ROM drive.

      The DVD drive in the Kubuntu 9.04 system that won't play is a Mat****a DVD-RAM UJ-852S


        Re: Encrypted DVD Playback


        I have no idea what that is or where it came from....

        It should have said Mat****a (M-a-t-s-h-i-t-a)


          Re: Encrypted DVD Playback

          Ah... it appears to be a censor for "bad" language.

