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    I'm using Kubuntu Jaunty on a Lenovo Thinkpad T61.

    The following sequence of choices

    system settings > add & remove programs > settings > edit software settings

    brings up the dialogue box shown in the attached png. I'm wondering about the "--attach" option. The 8-digit number is not always the same. I've become a little suspicious because I noticed a couple of days ago a new item among my "trusted software sources". I'd never heard of it and it sounded very odd.

    I've asked some linux-knowledgeable people at work about this, and they don't know anything about the "-attach" option. I'm a little suspicious that my computer has been compromised and that some bot is trying to add to my list of trusted sources.

    I'd love to know if anyone else knows anything about this behavior. Thanks.
    Attached Files

    Re: Kpackagekit

    At konsole:
    software-properties-kde --help
    Usage: software-properties-kde [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [options]

    Software Sources List editor

    Generic options:
    --help Show help about options
    --help-qt Show Qt specific options
    --help-kde Show KDE specific options
    --help-all Show all options
    --author Show author information
    -v, --version Show version information
    --license Show license information
    -- End of options

    --debug Print some debug information to the command line
    --massive-debug Print a lot of debug information to the command line
    --dont-update No update on repository change (useful if called from an external program)
    --enable-component Enable the specified component of the distro's repositories [component_arg]
    --attach <WinID> Win ID to act as a dialogue for [component_arg]
    --enable-ppa <name> Enable PPA with the given name [component_arg]
    Every window has an idetification number. It would be cleaner to show the password query without the number...
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Kpackagekit

      Thank you!

